Can't Raise Calcium


I have been running my 55g reef tank for about a year now and my calcium has been low (340) since i've started, but i never really cared because i didnt have anything that needed high levels.
I now have SPS and can't get it higher. I use IO salt mix and dose my tank with Kent Part A&B and liquid calcium. I dont have a sump so running a calcium reactor is almost out of the question. Anyone have any other ideas?
oh yeah, my Alkalinity is at 10 so thats perfect according to my research.


Kent Turbo Calcium or any dry calcium suppliment will raise calcium. You'll only need a few teaspoons to raise your level to 400 ppm Calcium.


So are you saying the dry calcium supplements are better than the liquid ones?
I dont know about magnesium because i dont test for that, but my Dkh is 10 (i think thats the scale dkh is)


Active Member
if your magnesium is too low, you wont be able to raise your calcium. they work hand in hand. buy a magnesium test kit. your mag. level should be a little over 1300. if its on the low side, you'll need a magnesium additive as well.


There is a lot more calcium per volumn/mass in the dry stuff than the diluted liquid stuff. It is hard to overdose with the liquid additives. But, you can easily overdose with the dry calcium suppliment.
Google 'Reef Chemistry Calculator' and check out some of their suppliments. You'll find that it takes 10 oz to raise 340->420ppm using Kent Part A&B. But, it'll take only 1.6 oz (9 teaspoon) if using Turbo Calcium.
I've used many buckets of IO and Reef Crystal. Every bucket has subpar Mg level measuring ~1100 ppm Mg.


Originally Posted by Am00re34
is a liquid magnesium supplement all you need if it is to low?
I would get the dry grandular like Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium. Please buy a Magnesium test kit before you add any magnesium. Salifert makes good Mg test kit.