Originally Posted by ruaround
Cartman...what do you mean "crappy gifts like clothes"??? Im not sure how old you are but I am assuming fairly young...once you have moved out and on your own...you will praise any gift that you get especially clothes cuz you will hardly be able to afford them!!! and you should do that now anyway...that is your parents hard earned dollar at work to put (literaly) clothing on your back!!!
I COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER!!! Wait till you get out on your own and have your own rent/
to pay, along with every other bill and food, etc.
When I was a kid, it was a 'written in stone' law, around my house..."you snoop and find your presents and we'll take them back".
And boy, they werent kidding. I snooped one year, found a whole bunch of G.I. Joe stuff, that I was getting. My mom found out I snooped and she took it all back. I ended up getting other things, but not what I was originally getting (what I really wanted).