Cant seem to find the gift!?


Active Member
Well its that time of year again......hunting for x-mas presents in my house that my parents put away. But it seems like this year they have actully out smarted me
So i'm asking all you people out there, where does everyone hide your gifts?


i do too, but i also hide them in my car... that way, they're always with me, and no one can get in my car without my keys... and no one has a spare set... then again, my hubby's the only one i have to shop for, so there's not that many presents...


Why in the world would you wanna know what your getting?? The best part of the holiday's is the suspence. Once you know, your simply waiting...
I think it would suck to know what's comin'.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Why in the world would you wanna know what your getting?? The best part of the holiday's is the suspence. Once you know, your simply waiting...
I think it would suck to know what's comin'.
Yeah good point. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Well its that time of year again......hunting for x-mas presents in my house that my parents put away. But it seems like this year they have actully out smarted me
So i'm asking all you people out there, where does everyone hide your gifts?

neighbors house


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Why in the world would you wanna know what your getting?? The best part of the holiday's is the suspence. Once you know, your simply waiting...
I think it would suck to know what's comin'.
Yeah, I remember the year I found the colecovision in the attic. That was the exiting part that should have happened x-mas morning, but I had to do a lame acting job to act surprised when I finally opened it.
Waiting definately makes it worth it.
What happens when you find the stash and all the gifts suck, or are totally not what you want? Then you have to walk around for to weeks and pretend to be in a good mood even though you know you are getting a bunch of junk.


Active Member
Well this is what i'v learned, all the crappy gifts (clothes) are pretty much simple to find but the awesome fun stuff are the HARDEST to find.


Active Member
Cartman...what do you mean "crappy gifts like clothes"??? Im not sure how old you are but I am assuming fairly young...once you have moved out and on your will praise any gift that you get especially clothes cuz you will hardly be able to afford them!!! and you should do that now anyway...that is your parents hard earned dollar at work to put (literaly) clothing on your back!!! I'm not tryin to flame you in any just need to appreciate what people do for you...and always
no matter what you receive!!!


Active Member
oh...and I hide my kids presents at my parents,sisters or friends house...good luck on the hunt...Im hunting pwesents heh heh heh ***)


Active Member
my parents always hid umin their closets or in the computer room closet, one time i actually found one in my closet


Sorry ruaround, but I hafta agree with Cartman here. Clothes suck. Nobody can peg what an individual likes to wear and when your young, clothes are a need shouldn't be a gift. Unless it's like a specialty item like an NFL jersey or jacket, but just jeans and your money. I AM older and in desperate need of different clothes, but I sure as heck don't want my MOM buying them for me!! Or my brother, or his wife... The hubby has pretty good taste, but I don't want them as a "gift"... I want them simply cause I need them.
I don't like getting or giving anything people "need" cause they will get that on their own, the only gift is that you are saving them from havening to drive to the store...
t shirts
all thoughtless gifts IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Cartman...what do you mean "crappy gifts like clothes"??? Im not sure how old you are but I am assuming fairly young...once you have moved out and on your will praise any gift that you get especially clothes cuz you will hardly be able to afford them!!! and you should do that now anyway...that is your parents hard earned dollar at work to put (literaly) clothing on your back!!!
I COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER!!! Wait till you get out on your own and have your own rent/

to pay, along with every other bill and food, etc.
When I was a kid, it was a 'written in stone' law, around my house..."you snoop and find your presents and we'll take them back".
And boy, they werent kidding. I snooped one year, found a whole bunch of G.I. Joe stuff, that I was getting. My mom found out I snooped and she took it all back. I ended up getting other things, but not what I was originally getting (what I really wanted).


i agree with tizzo and cartman... clothes suck... My parents used to try to buy me clothes, but i think they shopped for me in misses... then you feel bad when you tell them you don't like them. Once, my dad got me these hideous turtlenecks, and i took them back and got cuter turtlenecks, and he was like "what was wrong with the ones i got you??? they're exactly the same!!!" but they weren't at all!!! Parent's just don't get clothes... basically because they're a whole generation older.


Active Member
I agree, clothes are never fun unless it’s something from Victoria S. that I bought for my wife. When I was younger money was always the best gift because I knew exactly what I wanted but as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that giving is a lot more fun (I love watching people open their gifts). I hide all my gifts in my office at work.


Originally Posted by Jmick
I agree, clothes are never fun unless it’s something from Victoria S. that I bought for my wife. When I was younger money was always the best gift because I knew exactly what I wanted but as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that giving is a lot more fun (I love watching people open their gifts)...