cant seem to fuiger this one out!!?


i cant fuiger out y my damsel and now the yellow tang turn white.... like loose most of its color every time i turn the lights off... like at night i turn the lights off and turn it on in themorning both of these fishes are like WHITE :scared: .... is this normal.. i mean after swiming around for 5-10 mins they both turn there normal color and seem to act str8.... curious y this is soo?
any one has a clu?


Active Member
i dont think that is normal.. how long do u leave the lights on for the fish??? lighting do effect a fish's color.. for example.. if u had a goldfish and kept the light for his tank off for about 2 weeks.. he will thurn completely white.. like a albino goldfish...... so maybe u dont keep your lights on long enough...


my yellow lightens up in the dark, not actually white, but he get pale until the lights come on too


It is normal.
Nothing to worry about.
If you sneek up on your tank with a flash light at night, you would notice a lot about your tank and fish that you wouldn't have previously noticed.
It's normal for yellow tangs and many other fish for that matter to become pail after the lights go out. Also, you might notice a solid white line apear straight down your yellow tang's sides.


yeah my tang has that too.... i dont like it.. will it go away?
like i said when the light is back the color starts coming back and the tang seems to be doing well.. today is the first day i had her got her in the morning.... she hasnet eaten anything yet.. hoping that will change tom and she stays healthy :-D


I don't know of anything you could do to change it. The only way to make it go away is to turn the lights on but I guess it's just natural for them to do that in the dark.
I'm not sure why... (something else for me to look up.)
After your lights have been on for a few minutes the white line should dissappear and the color should come back.
If your lights have been on for a while but the fish stays pail and the white line on his side is still bold and visable, that's when I would start to worry.
Anyway, good luck with him. I wouldn't worry about getting them to start eating... just give em some algae sheets. They're pigs.


i been feeding regular flakes i havent seem em eat any of it its been 2 days.....
and when i doo turn the ligts on the yellow beightens up but hte white line is still visible.. its becomin less and less as the day went by.. so i fuiger its getting etter prolly was just too stressed i presume?


Originally Posted by dapak83
i been feeding regular flakes i havent seem em eat any of it its been 2 days.....
and when i doo turn the ligts on the yellow beightens up but hte white line is still visible.. its becomin less and less as the day went by.. so i fuiger its getting etter prolly was just too stressed i presume?
One other thing i forgot to mention in the other post of yours,you should give the fish a variety of different foods also.The frozen brine plus cubes are a good choice and the frozen mysis shrimp are a favorite too.


my purple tang used to turn a little pale when the lights came on in the mornig, however when i got moon lights and put them in it quit happining also do all of your lights come on at the same time. because when i worked at my lfs the tanks where we held fish and the lights just came on the fish seemed to do that too but in the shoow tanks where we tried to do a little morning lighting first it seemed to help also it helped us keep the lights on a but longer and everything oped up a bit faster. but anyway just a though. oops almost forgot the white line will go away when the fish gets a more used to the tank but not all the time sometimes it really shows up on yellow tangs but most of the time i think it is just stress.


alrite.... well the line is stil there but its geting lighter day by day!
soo i m hoping that is a good sign! ...... gonna go try to get some for for it today lets c how that goes!