can't seem to keep a snail


hey guys i have had my 55 set up for about 3 months now and things seem to be moving along pretty well. my corals that werent opening up are starting to split but the zoos are still closed. anyways every time i try to put snails in there they die in about six to ten hours. i have tested for everything that i can test for and the parameters are
trates=10 ppm
i am using tap water with prime, and i had some rock inthere that i took out because i wasn't sure of it. i am going to be taking a water sample to a local well water driller company to test for any other heavy metals.
does anyone know what the hell is going on in my tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JMBR082885
would calcium and alkalinity also cause the softies not to fully open up?
Your SG is very low for inverts. Raise it to 1.025-1.027 this will also help your corals.


Active Member
You should be using a refractometer to test you SG. If you are using a hydrometer, it could be far from accurate. As stated 1.022 is too low. What is the temperature, and what type of snails are you trying to keep? You should also be using RO/DI water..not tapwater. There are metals, phosphates, etc. in tapwater, a few drops of a liquid is not going to take it all out.
There are also predators of snails that could be hiding in your reef. One is a mantis shrimp, another is polyclad flatworms.
Originally Posted by promisetbg
You should be using a refractometer to test you SG. If you are using a hydrometer, it could be far from accurate. As stated 1.022 is too low. What is the temperature, and what type of snails are you trying to keep? You should also be using RO/DI water..not tapwater. There are metals, phosphates, etc. in tapwater, a few drops of a liquid is not going to take it all out.
There are also predators of snails that could be hiding in your reef. One is a mantis shrimp, another is polyclad flatworms.
Dude. I learn so much in this message board forum. It's crazy.


Active Member
if your sg is 1.022 with a hydrometer it could actually be 1.018 u just dont know u first need to get a refractometer if u choose to keep invertabrates.second u need your sg upp to 1.025 to 1.026. also i highly doubt your trites and phos are 0 with tap water or copper for that mater. there a ton of heavy meatels in tap water that could be very toxic for invertabtates. i would suggest to only use rodi or di water
Originally Posted by reefreak29
if your sg is 1.022 with a hydrometer it could actually be 1.018 u just dont know u first need to get a refractometer if u choose to keep invertabrates.second u need your sg upp to 1.025 to 1.026. also i highly doubt your trites and phos are 0 with tap water or copper for that mater. there a ton of heavy meatels in tap water that could be very toxic for invertabtates. i would suggest to only use rodi or di water

what is rodi and di?


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
RO- Reverse osmosis
rodi- reverse osmosis deionization (preferred method)
yep thats it