Can't use an RO Unit, How about this alternative?


New Member
I have a basic RO unit I have been using for my FOWLR 55 gallon. I moved to an apartment and want to set up my 90 gallon. The downside to the apartment is there are only 2 faucets, bathroom, kitchen, and the water pressure is extremely low. I don't think I will be able to use my RO unit there because of the water pressure, and also not being able to use the kitchen sink for a few days to make the water for a 90 gallon.
I found some information online on how to make a tap water filter by just running the tap water through a Poly Filter pad. These pads cost around $6 and remove phosphates, nitrates, copper, silicates, and ammonia from the tap water.
I going to hook up my old python hose when I had a freshwater tank, stuff the Poly fitler pad in the end of it, and let the tap water run through it. From what I understand that should remove most of the harmful metals found in the tap water, and you just add salt and some chemical dechlorination before adding it to the tank.
Anyone ever try this kind of setup? I'm not going to be keeping any corals, and just doing a basic FOWLR setup.


New Member
Originally Posted by fish4ever
where can you buy these pads?
Pretty much anywhere, do a google search for Poly filter pad.


This is interesting. Does the water only need to pass through them once? My entire basement has no drains and very limited water flow, but this could potentially be a great solutin for me as well. I have an RO unit that I have figured out no solution for using, so I have been treating, aerating, and aging my water for a week at a time before using. Adding this to that combination may be just the trick. If I have one water valve in a back room, how could I go about using one of these?


Anything is better than tap water, so a one stage filter will indeed help. By no means is it going to have a TDS reading of 0, but it will help. These are the type of filters that your refrigerator has I believe, I could be wrong. It will work, but isn't the best, if that is your only choice, than that is how it is going to be.


Active Member
I've used Poly Filters before in a HOB filter. I dont think they would do anything at all for what you are thinking about using them for. The water most likely has to pass through the pad numerous times for it to really remove much of anything.


New Member
Originally Posted by scotty37
This is interesting. Does the water only need to pass through them once? My entire basement has no drains and very limited water flow, but this could potentially be a great solutin for me as well. I have an RO unit that I have figured out no solution for using, so I have been treating, aerating, and aging my water for a week at a time before using. Adding this to that combination may be just the trick. If I have one water valve in a back room, how could I go about using one of these?

From what I understand the tap water can pass through it once, but you have to add chemical dechlorination before adding it to the tank. You can also place these pads inside your tank, in high flow areas like canister filters or sumps.
Here is the where I found out about this.


well since you already have the RO unit what I would do is get a pressure vavle or a inline pump that will boost the water pressure it will actually be cheaper than a whole nother filter.