Can't we all just get along?!


Whatever happened to discussing saltwater aquariums on the boards? In too many threads members are taking personal shots at each other or acting as if they are omniscient. Whatever happened to constructive debates? What ever happened to agreeing to disagree?
This is not a call out to the moderators to start doing their job, because it is not them, it's us. The moderators generously donate their time to the boards to help/monitor discussions. This is a call out to the members of the boards. Let's make the boards an educational tool where people can share their knowledge, opinions, and experiences with no fear of being shot down by another member.
I know a lot of members don't read The Aquarium section of the boards, but I didn't want to put this in a fish related category.
I would love to hear other's opinions on my observation...Is it just me?
Thanks to all who read this.


Active Member
It seems like there have been a lot more arguments lately, but most of them seem to happen in the would probably just be best to get rid of The Aquairum and just delete any threads off topic.


It's not about the arguments, it's the flat out rudeness of members to other members. I am baffled by some of the posts I read about how "you are an idiot" "didn't you do your research?" etc.


Active Member
I agree. It all goes well for awhile and then we get a rash of idiots that cannot give any constructive criticism. They just attack.
Well I am here to say we will be about 5-7 members less coming real soon as we get them banned. No I will not devuldge whom they are, you will just not see them post anymore.
Also when admin. gets the contact a mod. feature up and running again it will be better.
For now, if you have a problem with spam, rude posters etc.; please right click the post and copy it. Then post it in here:


Active Member
i agree it does seem real pointless to use rude/nasty/aggressive language here on the boards. first of all theres nothing to show for but words. thankfully im 25 and realize that so and so cant come through the computer and do what he wrote. but when people get on the forum to learn about the hobby or generate discussion (aquarium) its a real pain to sift thru all the wasted posts of people threatening each other and wasting my reading time


Staff member
We expect that as soon as we get our moderator tools up and running again, that there will be a sweep of problem "members" out the door and a restoration of friendly fish talk full-time. The Aquarium is where I see some problems, but, saying that, what you mostly see is just a few making it seem like a tremendous problem.
Consider the size of the site and the traffic of members and guests, most everyone is generally friendly and helpful.


Active Member
I can see where you are coming from, Bruder. There is definitely a small group of problematic posters that appear every so often, however, it is easy to forget how many people frequent these forums on a daily basis. At any given time, these forums have about 6,000 people viewing threads, and about 1,050 logged in. That is a lot of people. Therefore, I would estimate that less than 1% are trouble makers. That is a pretty good percentage.
Nonetheless, rest assured, they are being taken care of.

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
It seems like there have been a lot more arguments lately, but most of them seem to happen in the would probably just be best to get rid of The Aquairum and just delete any threads off topic.
i wouldn't say get rid of the aquarium... most people really deserve to say what they want, just as an example.. i know Barry really deserves to have his thread asking for prayers for his father., i think they should try to get a couple more mods, and then they can each have a forum of choice, as in maybe 3 to skim through new hobbyist, 3 for fish discussion, 3 for reef, 3 for photos ect..ect..ect..


Active Member
When I first joined it was awsome to come here and talk about fish. Latley its gone downhill. Those spam and stuff that isnt working just needs to be fixed and then itl be back to normal. Its not good to come on a forum and see ---- stuff.


Active Member
I wish you guys would get off my case! I'm doing my best to control the urges, but you people just get all over my nerves!
Just kidding.
I love you!


I am new here and I agree.
Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one).
Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others.
But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very Welcome.
Big Thanks to Shogun323!


Active Member
well, just in case im one of those "5-7" i just want to say i appreciate all the help you guys have given me :p
You are not a problem poster at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I am new here and I agree.
Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one).
Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others.
But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very Welcome.
Big Thanks to Shogun323!

Please don't fear to ask questions! The vast majority of good folks around here will help to answer them, and the jerks will be added to the ban pile


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I am new here and I agree.
Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one)
Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others.
But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very Welcome.
Big Thanks to Shogun323!

As Journeyman said, please never be afraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.
If anyone makes you feel stupid, just let one of the moderators know of it. You do not have to do it over the message boards. If you ever feel the need to talk to someone or voice a concern about an issue, (and this goes to anyone), you can always email me. I am willing to help anyone with anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I am new here and I agree.
Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one).
Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others.
But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very Welcome.
Big Thanks to Shogun323!

I know how you feel. I was made to feel like a moron when I first came here.


The one thing to remember is that sometimes a post can come off completely wrong because you arent hearing the voice just the words. unfortunatly there are some people that put people down and be assured that is not what we want here and steps are being takin to correct that problem. as journey said if there is a degrading post that you see let ones of us know and we WILL address it then. sometimes we dont see them right away.
Others say things for your best interest even though it doesnt seem that way. Alot of us have WASTES a ton of money and lives in the tank and feel very strongly about helping others not make that mistake that we have made and sometimes it doesnt come across right.
my email is
Mickadee @ just put SWF in the subject line so I see it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinysmajick
I am new here and I agree.
Sometimes I am afraid to post any questions for fear that I will be called an idiot(or made feel like one).
Mostly from reading other threads and seeing what people have said to others.
But there are some people who are awesome. One in particular made me feel very Welcome.
Big Thanks to Shogun323!

I am glad I was able to help ya out. This truly is a great forum. If ya ever want to email me I am at
heywade @
I am not near as knowlegdable as the moderators but I will do my best. Thanks again for your kind remarks!!


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
The one thing to remember is that sometimes a post can come off completely wrong because you arent hearing the voice just the words. unfortunatly there are some people that put people down and be assured that is not what we want here and steps are being takin to correct that problem. as journey said if there is a degrading post that you see let ones of us know and we WILL address it then. sometimes we dont see them right away.
Others say things for your best interest even though it doesnt seem that way. Alot of us have WASTES a ton of money and lives in the tank and feel very strongly about helping others not make that mistake that we have made and sometimes it doesnt come across right.
my email is
Mickadee @ just put SWF in the subject line so I see it.
Is that you again Mike? I am sick and tired of your one sided opinions that you should keep to your self! Clean up your tank and quit being so stupid!!!!
OK, folks just kidding, We know each other
and he knows I really am just kidding. But this site was the first one I really came to and I really liked it. Just as stated above, at first it was really good to come on here and get advise, you had the option of taking it or leaving it. I believe the few "bad apples" are trying to spoil it for everyone. I think that's not going to happen. Unfortunately they are everywhere, and in every walk of life. To these, they need to get theirs in perspective and chill. I for one will still be here and I am confident that it will get better. So for the rest of you that are debating never to visit this site again because of this, (like the rest of this lifestyle of Saltwater) be patient it will happen. I have learned a great deal from this site and I'm sure there are a lot of people what have a lot to learn, (and good advice to give) for most on this site are truly ready to help constructively.
OK Mike, I'll shut up now..... :hilarious