capacitor as vortech backup?


Active Member
Could a car audio style capacitor be used as a vortech backup?
Just crossed my mind because i have 3 1 farad caps in the attic never even out of the box with a few mp40s on the way to me if i could use them as a battery backup. Theoretically it should be possible as its a 12v application but before i smoke 800$ worth of pump i thought i would ask.


Active Member
Capacitors generally are used to clean up a power supply and remove any spikes or valleys so that you have a very clean power supply. They do store a charge but it wouldn't power your vortechs for more than a few seconds unless you had a bank of very high voltage capacitors. If I did my math right 3 1 farad capacitors at 12v would power a single MP40 for about 45 seconds.
That being said if you are handy you should be able to build your own battery backup, using deep cycle or better yet a battery designed for solar or battery backup duty and a battery maintainer/charger.


Well-Known Member
Those are big big capacitors. And they could function is small rechargable batteries. I wouldn't want them around anyway.