Car Audio?


Hello everyone. My mom decided to get a audio system for her 99 Ford Expedition and she got some stuff yesterday and was wondering what you guys think about them.
She got
(2) Pioneer 12" Subs (TS-W307D4) 2007 MODEL
(1) Lanzar 2000w Vibe 266, 2 channel amplifier
(1) Su
oofer enclosure like this one:
Only that it didn't fit in the back of the suv without removing the back seat so we will have to get either a smaller one or two seperate ones.
(1 pair) 350w super dome tweeters by dnf (tw350)
(1) audio kit with a bunch of cables (it says its for 1000w amp hook up/and out amp is 2000)
(1) Line out converter by Hicron (hlc-70)
We're going to get everything hooked up at circuit city.
I have a couple of questions though:
1. Since the su
oofer box didn't fit in the back would it be better to get a smaller case or get two seperate boxes?
2.And since the amp won't fit anywhere under any of the seats would it be best if it would go in the back right next to the su
oofers so that it would be arranged like this: (Sub) [Amp] (Sub).
3. And if two seperate boxes are better than just one big one at what direction should the su
oofers be pointing.(back, front, side, up, etc)
4. Do they make single boxes with the plastic over them so that the su
oofers won't puncture.
any ideas would be highly appreciated.
btw we got everything for $340(was it a good deal or a rip off?)
and they charge $70 for the installation plus any equipment that they need from circuit city.


i dont know much about the equipment you got but in general pioneer is pretty repuitable. I have audiobahn equipment in all my cars and its all hidden. my little bro has an expedition and he had 2 separate boxes to start but eventually had them molded into the panels.
1. get 2 separate boxes i think it looks better and if you end up not wanting two subs you can easily take one out.
2. my bros amps fit under that seat so i dont why yours wouldnt but anyway i would try to fit them anywhere on the truck where they can be seen or cause noise. maybe make there own box or something.
3. you should always position them pointing towards a wall or somewhat of an obstruction. figure it like you want the "noise" coming out of the subs to "bounce" off of as many objects as possible to create the best sound
4. they do but i would worry about them puncturing. the more things you try to seal on the box itself is more of the chance that something will rattle, and that does not sound very good.


Active Member
if space is an issue, you can always go with a bazooka tube.
i've always made fun of them (when i was pushing 141db with my 2x 12 infinity subs)
this was until i realized that not everybody has room for a 3 foot box.
ive heard some impressive set ups and was suprised that it was a tube that was bumping.
spend some extra $ and get the ones with the integrated amps.
then you only need to run power, ground, lead, and rca wires.


ya in my porsche cayenne i have 4 12 Audiobahn Flame Qs and 2 10 Flame Qs with 3 Audiobahn A5000SPL amps. Lets just say when i have all of the power going its not wise to be near it. hahahahaha. i had to have all the windows and doors resealed to prevent everything from blowing out. but all of it waasnt cheap.
in my other cars i just have 2 audiobahn 10s. but in my M3 i dont have a radio or ac, nothing that doesnt have anything to do with going fast. haha


Active Member
THEY make a sub woofer that fits in the hole in the expedition custom made and you dont have to remove the seat. I have a 00 Expedition and was looking into it I believe the box is made by...MTX
I went with a single JL 500/1 amp and 12"JLw2 in custom colored box for my car.


there is no way that I could fit the amp under any seat since the amp is 17" long and it's pretty wide two. It just wouldn't fit anywhere good on the truck. I think we are going to go with the two seperate boxes so that way I could cut out a wooden floorthing so that I could somehow screw both of the boxes and the amp into place. only problem is that I don't know if even the single box will fit in the back without having to remove the back seat.
Did I get everything for a good price?


ya i think you got a pretty good price couldnt do much better unless it was hot. look into the covers under the wheel wells cuz i know those are big plastic covers and you might be able to find a good mounting place there


Let your mom be the judge of it all. after its installed if she is happy then that is all that matters. its very basic and you have good brands for gear. seperate sub boxes wont make a difference. you may want to look into truck boxes for the back. they are made to go behind the seats of a standard cab pickup. as long as they fall into the space requirement for your woofer you will be fine with them. along with my reef this is my other money pit hobby. lol. In fact i have a new install coming up once the weather breaks for me. 4 Digital Designs 9515s and 4 Orion 2500ds. should get a little loud
Bayside, what kind of charging system upgrades do you have in order to run 15000 watts rms? also what does the rest of your system consist of and why do you run two seperate size woofers.


for charging systme i have 6 extra batteries (dont remember what they are called but they are yellow) and 4 capacitators. nothing else to flashy, everything i have somewhat hidden, as much as it can be for having 6 subs. haha. but other than that just a flip down alpine deck that is like a year or two old. All my component speakers are infinitys. I dont know much about the names of all specifics cuz i payed my friend to do everything, wiring, fiberglassing, upholstry, installation and such. no tvs or nothing, dont really get why people have them, look tacky. i have 2 10s to hit the higher stuff that the 12s dont really pick up, i dont listen to any rap or nothing so i kinda need a diverse system to pick up everything.


I believe the batteries you are referring to are Opteum yellow top, The best batteries for sound. they are excellent deep cycle and low bass output. If you get these batteries your mom can jumpstart a Semi truck. Also her truck will start better in the winter if you are in a cold area.


thats someone elses car i was talking about what i have in my cayenne, someone else had asked me. but ya thats the name thanks


Originally Posted by joker3762
I believe the batteries you are referring to are Opteum yellow top, The best batteries for sound. they are excellent deep cycle and low bass output. If you get these batteries your mom can jumpstart a Semi truck. Also her truck will start better in the winter if you are in a cold area.
the batteries have no bearing on bass output, Optima Yellow & Reds are simply Deep Cycle, the only advantage to them over a marine battery is they are gel cells and won't leak if placed at different areas...they won't help starting the vehicle either as they have low CCA (Cold Cranking Amps)


New Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
the batteries have no bearing on bass output, Optima Yellow & Reds are simply Deep Cycle, the only advantage to them over a marine battery is they are gel cells and won't leak if placed at different areas...they won't help starting the vehicle either as they have low CCA (Cold Cranking Amps)
Reds are high CCA starting batteries and not deep cycle. . .
Yellows are deep cycle.
Another advantage to Optimas is there VERY low internal resistance, so when pulling high current, there is very little voltage drop at the battery post. As long as you have all the correct wiring in place to the amps, you can maintain high voltage for non-regulated power supply amplifiers.
I have (9) D31T yellow tops. 1125 CCA each

20,000 watts RMS, (2) 18" subs in a wall behind the second seat. 157 dB @ 43 Hz on the new TL. 165+ dB on an AC mic. . .
To answer the first poster questions:
1. If you get a smaller box, you may need different subs or you may need to just get a sealed box instead of ported. The volume of air behind the sub is an important factor in the performance of your subs.
2. You can put the amp anywhere as long as it is no upside down. If played loud for long periods of time, most amps will not cool correctly if upside down. Keep in mind the farther you are from the battery, the power wire needs to be larger.
3. I know from experience, the loudest setup will be the subs on one side facing toward the other side, and the port facing the rear of the vehicle. Subs up, ports rear is second best, and most often used. I personally like the subs and ports facing the rear. Not much difference, and nice if you need to stack something on top of the box.
4. They make grilles to put over the subs to keep anything from hitting the and puncturing the cones. CC may have them, if not you can order them from


Originally Posted by BKOLFO4
Reds are high CCA starting batteries and not deep cycle. . .
Yellows are deep cycle.
Another advantage to Optimas is there VERY low internal resistance, so when pulling high current, there is very little voltage drop at the battery post. As long as you have all the correct wiring in place to the amps, you can maintain high voltage for non-regulated power supply amplifiers.
I have (9) D31T yellow tops. 1125 CCA each

20,000 watts RMS, (2) 18" subs in a wall behind the second seat. 157 dB @ 43 Hz on the new TL. 165+ dB on an AC mic. . .
To answer the first poster questions:
1. If you get a smaller box, you may need different subs or you may need to just get a sealed box instead of ported. The volume of air behind the sub is an important factor in the performance of your subs.
2. You can put the amp anywhere as long as it is no upside down. If played loud for long periods of time, most amps will not cool correctly if upside down. Keep in mind the farther you are from the battery, the power wire needs to be larger.
3. I know from experience, the loudest setup will be the subs on one side facing toward the other side, and the port facing the rear of the vehicle. Subs up, ports rear is second best, and most often used. I personally like the subs and ports facing the rear. Not much difference, and nice if you need to stack something on top of the box.
4. They make grilles to put over the subs to keep anything from hitting the and puncturing the cones. CC may have them, if not you can order them from
tell me more are you a Tproer?
I see you decided to pass on the same incorrect statement as i did to not start a war huh?


So we just got it installed today everything went great. We had to put the amp in the back.
now the problem that we have
is that my mom still wants the back seat in the truck.
& the su
oofer WILL fit in the back only that the upper part of the back seat won't lock and will be at a 90degree angle.
so the only problem there is that if anyone has to go in the back seat they won't be able to fully lean back, even though I don't think the boxes will break.
& if we put the back seat on and the su
oofer in the very back we will have little space to put in the amp.
1.could we be able to screw the amp to the top of the su
oofer box?
2.if the rca cable won't reach could we put an extra wire w/an adapter
another problem there is that the power cable won't reach much farther anymore.
My mom wants it to sound louder so what would be recommended for us.


Here is my first system I did...Onyx Subs, thanks to Scott Massingill @ Onyx, Tru Tech Amps and Cryrstal Mids & Highs, Not many can beat as hard as this
