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Many companies do actually give discounts if you keep a policy in force with them over time.
There is a lot of insurance fraud. For instance, people come into our office and pay a downpayment for an auto policy. They get an insurance card good for 6 months. They quit paying, policy cancels, but they still have the proof of insurance card.
Not all companies use credit. You don't have to do business with one that does (but you'll pay more going through one of these other companies...). Remember, insurance is not a "right".
Many Katrina victims failed to carry flood insurance. Homeowner's policies do NOT cover "rising water" damage. Sorry, but if you live in a city, surrounded by water on 3 sides, and your house is below sea level and you don't carry flood insurance you deserve a beating, not money...
I'm not trying to defend insurance companies, just stating the facts. I actually had to take one of the companies we used to write Health insurance with to court because of the way they tried to handle one of my claims.
Until you get into an accident or get a ticket. Accident forgiveness... not in the fine print
My Grandfather has had the same company for over 50 yrs with a great driving record, it didnt matter, they still tried to gouge him when he filed a claim. Had to take the company to court.
And if they get into an accident they go to jail. I dont think it is a good idea to impose a blanket policy on everyone.
For other than asset protection mandatory insurance should be abolished if you own your property outright. People should be allowed to make their own choice, after all one of the reasons the industry is so corrupt is because it is mandatory. Instead, the penalties for not having it should be more harsh. My friend was killed by a drunk uninsured illeagal alien. His insurance was current but did him no good.
Still dont see a correlation between safe driving and a credit score, the two are completely unrelated IMO?
Did you know many of these companies have defaulted on legitimate claims and continue to do so until this day. This includes those with flood insurance. 20/20 did a documentary on this several months ago.
Did I mention that both of my parents and inlaws work for insurance companies?