Carbon and calcium


Active Member
Can filters such as carbon or other filters take out calcium? I ask because I am still having trouble keeping my calcium level up. My calcium goes up nicely when I do a water change and I continue to add turbo calcium but the level slowly falls. My alk and ph are fine. My magnesium is almost at the normal level. Kind of confused :notsure:


Active Member
Thanks. I didn't think it did since I have never seen anything statig that it could. Just trying to cover all my bases of what could be causing my calcium level to fall.


your dkh i would get closer to 9.5 to 10. What is your calcium and how often do you dose for calcium? Do you have high calcium consumption corals?


Active Member
I dose twice a day with turbo calcium. I add 3/4 tablespoon each time which seems like a lot. My calcium was 200 and I got it to 380. It was 295 last night. My corals are
Orange Fungia
Candy Cane
Several Shrooms and Zoas
Bubble Coral
Finger Leather
100+ lbs of rock
Acteeno red coral (not sure on the spelling)
Yellow polyps


Have your tried anyother source of calcium. I use REEF ADVANTAGE CALCIUM from seachem and i dose once a week. I have basically the same corals as you. I use oceanic salt and my waterchange has 300 to 350 ppm calciumin it. what salt brand are you using and have you tested it for calcium?


Active Member
Thanks. I use Instant Ocean and it reads 350ppm. I have not tried another salt since I still have about a 1/4 bucket left. I plan to ty another brand when I need to buy more salt.


I really dont think its your salt. i used to use IO but oceanic was on sale so I tried and just stuck with it. I think your calcium your using may be bad. I would try another brand of calcium supplement before switching salts.


Active Member
Turbo calcium is better used to raise calcium and not really as a maintainace... although I don't see that as the problem. How are you mixing and adding the turbo calcium??


Active Member
I do it during my topoffs. I fill a gallon pitcher, add the turbo and mix for about 30 minutes manually meaning I stir, leave it for about 10 minutes, stir again,... to make sure it's totally dissolved. I then drop it all into the filter.
Oh and I am using a slaifert test kit.


Active Member
Have you gotten it up to the 400s?? What is the reaction of your alkalinity after adding the calcium??


Active Member
Nope. Closest I have gotten is 380. I was using B-Inoic and started to experince bad calcium precipitation. My alk at that time was 14 dkh. It was due to the fact I was using superbuffer to raise the ph for about two weeks before the b-ionic. My alk seems to stay stable. It has been 8.4 for several weeks. I test it using a Fastest and verify it with a Seachem test. Kalkwasser was my next thought but it seems to require too much work.
Also, I have never tested the turbo before adding it. Would it be helpful to do so?


Active Member
Anytime you add calcium it effects the alkalinity. You need to watch it closely when adding the calcium. Your best bet IMO is start with a good water change to make sure there is nothing else effecting your levels. Be a little more aggressive adding the turbo calcium followed by a buffer about a hour latter and test both the ca and alk. Keeping both balanced bring it up over several days. After you get the calcium up maintain it with B-Ionic or kalk water. Watch the magnesium to make sure you're not precipitating.


mrdc said:
Nope. Closest I have gotten is 380. I was using B-Inoic and started to experince bad calcium precipitation. QUOTE]
My cal is high like 540 I've read about calcium precipitation, what is that? Thank you


Active Member
Basically white chalky stuff on the glass, impellers, heater, ... The heater is usually the first place it will show up on. I read about that and that is where it popped up first for me. It can be a pain to get off the glass too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Thanks for the advice. What good buffer do you reccomend?
Kent supperbuffer... or baking soda.