

Active Member
Originally Posted by FishStix4u
HAHA what a, well... any way.. forget about the manufacturer... the tests dont lie.... what a spaz.
lol i still never said i had to be right


not saying you are.. just saying my tests dont lie and im sure yours dont either so why would i waste my time callins some 8 dollar anhour rep that has never even seen a saltwater tank and have them read some response off a computer screen.. ya bud lets call that 800 number and go to the websight.. god owns those companys.. they cant be wrong!!!!!!! any way reefreak keep up the good work on testing and finding out the facts for yourself then helping those on here that actually want the help.. its greatly appreciated....


Leachable Phosphate <0.00001 g/cc
thats all i needed to read to come to a conclusion.WHO
CARES running carbon is the least of my worries in my tank.I will continue to occasionally run carbon in my tank,i believe the benefits far outway the negatives.IMO


wrong there are not in all carbons!!!!! and you dont win... you absolutly have no idea what the purpose of a forum is.. in fact you not only dont win your to dumb to comprehend your the biggest looser out of this race.... wow... talk about living in a bubble... god bless ya candycane... hope your good looking cause brains got left out.


HAHA! ok you win... you are the fattest one here... J/K im not going to get down to your level.. every one else can read... you may type you win as much as you like... fatty