cardinal fish


New Member
I have had a few different fish, but I have had a cardinal fish for three years and I am attached to it. When I bought it it was called a Bangai, but on this site they call it a Hifin or Buddha cardinal. It is alone in the tank now, the last tankmate it had was a tasselfish. It is a great fish and very hardy. However, it is quite motionless and quite colorless. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions as to a hardy, colorful tankmate for this fish. I would like to add 1-3 more fish of medium size since I only have a 55 gal.


Active Member
percula clowns, firefish, chromis, royal gramma, or any of the dwarf angels(unless you want corals, then only a couple), or some smaller butterflies, like maybe a copperband


Clown Fish, Coral Beuty (My Fav), Purple Firefish, Hawkfish (not as colorful but alot of personality, Royal Gramma, Several Species of Dottybacks (they can be a little fisty) :)