

Will Spotted/Pajama and Banggai Cardinal co-exist?
I am thinking of getting one of each. Does it work? Or is it a fish kill?
It's a 175 Gal Reef...


I kinda like the look of both of them... :D
I could and probably would get a pair of each. First I want to find out what everyone thinks about them co-existing.


how do you tell male female? I had two that I ought an one never made shipping and the other died within a month. W as this due to companion loss?


I'm not sure how to tell them apart (male/female)... Fortunately my LFS has an honest expert. He admitted that he does not know the difference either but would find out.
He also shared experiences in that he had gotten 3 Banggai and they fought each other down to one. They are a schooling fish according to "the books" and I can only guess that Odd numbers might be bad.
As my LFS says, in many cases what will happen is a "flip of the coin" and going with the odds is all you can do...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
JNC... Cardinals are some of my favorite fish, as they are one of the few colorful tropicals that will school and do well in aquariums. Have you looked into some of the lesser known cardinals in the genus Apogon? As opposed to the Bangaiis, these guys do good in groups and look awesome in a large tank.
Here is a pic of my Apogon cyanosoma (orange lined cardinals)...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
... and here is a pic from my buddie's tank of his Apogon leptacanthus (longspine cardinals).
There are a few others that are commonly available and do well... just a thought. I love these guys, and nothing says "large reef tank" like a school of these guys and a shoal of anthias...


Those are some great looking fish... I'll have to research the Apogon leptacanthus. I like their look.
A schooling set is what I'm looking for...
I'm still a few weeks away from making my final decision... :thinking:

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
If you do get some update in this thread. I have always loved these guys and am at a loss as to why they are not more popular. One major reason I think is that they don't photograph well. These fish look incredible in a large group in person...