Elegance used to be a very easy coral to keep. Lately however, there seems to be two types of Elegance out there. I think the difference is where they come from but I can't remember the specific areas. Basically, one is very difficult if not impossible to keep alive long term and the other is very easy. I want to say that Australia is the area where the "good" ones come from, but again, I can't say for sure.
I have one in my tank that I scored as a cheap frag. I've had him for about 2 years now and he's doing very well. They are absolutely gorgeous corals. In nature, they are normally found in mud flats where the water is very murky, so they do not need nor want a lot of light, and they expect filthy water. In fact one of the big problems with captive care is that our tanks are often "too clean" for them to do well. They prefer higher nitrate levels. I've found that mine is happiest with bottom placement. I have a 24" deep tank with 250w 20K halides.