thanks again elfdoctor, it is a pretty sweet looking fish isnt it? im planning on up gradign to a 125 gal tank in the near future, but, it's wierd because i am getting so many mixed opinions on that fish. i may hold off until i get a bigger tank or i may get a real small one and by the time it starts to grow, i will have the larger tank.. i don tno what to do about the spots on the butterfly because iyhave coral adn lr in the tank so copper is out of the question, i have been adding garlic to their diet on their food and what not.. any more suggestions about what else there is to do?
i have a 10 gal. tank that i can se as a hospital tank, but it isnt large enough to fit the other two fish in that tank also.. i am lost heh. help me again i fyou have anymore input.. my tank has been set up for close to two years so it's pretty well cycled and there are no nytrates or amonia and that ph is perfect also, so i dont know what sparked the ich in the tank, it may of been becaue i bought the fish from the lfs on the day that it arrived there so i wont be doing that any more haha, hopefully i can get some more advice on what to do to clear up the tank.. thanks again