Caribsea Argonite w/LiveSand??


Right now I have 50lbs of Caribsea Argonite, each piece is about 1mm in diameter, some are alittle bigger. I was wondering If I could get the Caribsea LiveSand in a bag(20lbs of it) and place it ontop of my exsisting Substrate. Im not to sure if you would call the stuff I have in my take CC or if it is Livesand. Can I mix the to together so I can have a deeper sand bed?


I put a layer of crushed coral, then a layer of agonite, then a layer of fine sand , then a layer of live sand. From what Iv'e read I will probably regret this--I probably should have used all fine sand and live sand. Has something to do with dead spots and polutants. I can see gas bubbles trapped on the side allready. I dont know if its harmfull gas or not.


Active Member
If you are trying to seed your aragonite sand bed with live sand you can put the sand right over it. the maller sand will sink to the bottom of the sandbed though.
another thing you can do is put live sand in pantyhose, and then tying off the panyhose when they are filled to be the size of a baseball. Put those in your sandbed for a while, and you have seeded you sand bed.


I will try the pantyhose thing. I just want more surface area for copodes for my Mandarin to get it's food supply. The tank has been running for 9 months right now and I have 105 to 110lbs of live rock, plus a HOB that I am converting to a small refuge. I also like the way the a sand bed looks also. The Argonite that I have right now is already seeded, I just won't mind putting some sand in that is alittle more fine.