Caring for a recently split BTA


Hello everyone... today is a joyous day! my RBTA just split so now i have two beautiful anemones. My question is should i do anything in particular to care for the new or old one? feed right away, low/high lights, low/high flow. Any advice?
I saw a guy around my area who have a rbta tank with a few clowns... it was amazing!! i would love to be able to do that, but for that to happen you need an anemone to split numerous times.


Active Member
When mine splits ( on average every two years ) I just make sure there healed good and opening fully befor I feed them. Normally around four days or so. If yours look fine and are opening to the light, then IMO, give them a week and should be ready for typical treatment like it/them were used to......Might keep an eye out for them getting near corals. They grow quickly after a split and do move a bit apart....I always sell the extra to a LFS...
BTW, congrats...


On the same line of inquiry...My rose anemone seems to split every2-3 months ( I think it is ready to do it again) When it does, it does not form a second mouth first and then split like I have heard others do. Instead it rips at the mouth straight across so that neither anemone has a mouth for 2-3 weeks. It doesn't even seem able to eat. I still use a turkey baster with mysis and phytoplankton and gently spray them. I don't know if this is necessary, but I want to make sure they live. Is this normal for them to rip at the mouth? Do they need to eat if they do this??? Any suggestions about this?


i have been told thats where they have to split so each one gets 1/2 a mouth that then grows into a full mouth. I tried feeding mine this morning and they put it down into them like they were going to eat it, but never did. maybe the mouth isnt formed enough yet


Active Member
My anemone split about a week ago, both halves have developed a full mouth and are eating.


i have a few RBTA the oddest thing that works for getting them to split is what this guy told me was to do a 40-50% water change, i didnt belive him but i had a HUGE bubble tip, probly 14" across and i wanted it to split so i tried it, and 2 weeks after it split, and sold the larger one to the LFS for store credit, it was just to big and wanted to make it smaller is all, he also told me you can cut the sucker in half across the mouth and they would live if you wanted to make them split faster, he would know sence he grows them for porfit to sell to LFSs, i didnt like that idea and have never tried, and i dont recoment it eather, they are very costly animals and i wouldnt risk it, but he has plinty to spair and im sure thats how he makes them split, but i think its crule and thats why i dont recomend it hehe... btw he has about 50 RBTA in a 75 gallon, no corals just bubble tips, and another one for greens he even has them real pretty PINK bright pink ones hes been doing it for 7 years now


wow nice way to mess up a coral by cutting in in half even if u get 2. let time and nature take its course and not try nd get it to split. it will split when it is ready to. healther for the anemone and ur tank. also they split due to stress like you said above doing a 40%-50% water change will stress out n e thing. so when u do that the anemone will split due to stress. obviously not a good thing


i dont see any problems with cutting the anemone if you know how to do it. Its really no different than when you frag a coral and i do that constantly!


but an anemone is not a coral which will grow back and act fine. but if u cut an anemone in half it can kill it and everyting else in ur tank when it releases chemicals in the tank. it also will dull its life out trust me on this man.