Carnation Coral


Active Member
Carnation coral (aka Dendronepthya) are one of the most difficult corals to care for, as they need an almost constant source of phytoplankton and other foods that filter feeder inverts eat. I hope I'm not coming across as preachy, but Dendros are widely considered to be in the same category as gonioporas, elegance corals, and most anemones when it comes to captive care.


by constant do you mean daily every hour or weekly?? Yeah we i got it the guy at the lfs didn't say anything about what to feed or how difficult it is to take care. So i did some in depth research, and found that they are the hardest coral to take care of. But i love a good challenge! I did read that they or mostly on over hangs with med-flow? Would anyone know if they do good upside down in the semi-dark area???


Active Member
I've never cared for one of these corals, but everything I've read about them says that they need a near constant supply of phytoplankton (this could be accomplished through a phytoplankton reactor).
I've also seen many photos of these corals in nature in books and they always seem to hang sideways but at an upward angle when they're inflated.


I suggest returning that coral to your LFS. It's one of those corals that are doomed in captivity and best left in the sea. Read more about it.


Active Member
They grow very deep in a lot of cases and do not rely on light at all for they’re feeding. Some are micro feeders. But they feed on VERY small micro plankton smaller then what we can currently get from a bottle. The biggest problem is we don’t fully understand what or how they eat yet. From every thing I read they need a constant plankton drip and a fishless tank with large refugium. Some also are believed to feed on bacteria. So like I already said we really don’t know. I have a link I can send you if you would like you can email me.
I wish it were not true since you already spent your money but you’re fighting a losing battle.:nope:
I would rather try to keep an electric green carpet anemone under NO lights then try to keep a carnation alive. Which as we all know would never work for long


I will hav eto agree with everyone....I recently tried to keep one and it lasted 6 weeks. I tried to feed it every day and also moved him around to heavy flow...medium flow areas...light dark etc..but nothing worked. I learned to hard way