carpenter flasher wrasse


Does anybody have any input on the carpenter wrasse? I'm thinking about getting one because they look beautiful in pictures, but I thought i'd ask around first. Thanks! Oh, and it might sound dumb, but turbo snails only clean the glass, right? not the substrate?


I just ordered a carpenter wrasse. I think it will make a great addition to any reef. The turbos cruz around the whole tank and clean everthing. HTH


snails will clean anything.... mostly the glass though. they tend to stay away from subtrate.
As for the wrasse... i think it would be a great addition. they're colorful, energetic, active, and easy.
I just recievced about 25 hermits, a handful of snails, and a filamented flasher wrasse in the mail. He isn't very active, but then again its the first day. Just be patient with him and the end result will be great. Goodluck!