Carpet Anemone


I have a green carpet anemone and was just wondering if you can over feed it? Because it has eaten two fish (Orange-spotted gobies). Plus I feed him once a day.
I wondering if other fish can host or be come friends with an carpet anemone? I have a yellow head-Goby and he will swim around the carpet..Sometimes touches it but nothing happens. But the anemone would eat my other fish in seconds if they get near it or touches him.


Most likely its going to continue to eay your fish, unless it allows a clownfish to host with it.


I just wanted to know if anyone knows which clown is more likely to host in a carpet anenome...... I have two big carpets, and they are lonely............


depends on what type. This was takin from the post above.
Stichodactyla gigantea, Giant Carpet Anemone - Tentacles longer than other carpet anemones, and slightly pointed at tips. May be blue, turquoise or purple in color. Hosts Clark's, Ocellaris, and True Percula clowns.
S. haddoni, Haddon's Carpet, Saddle Carpet Anemone - Tentacles almost always two colors, imparting a mottled appearance. Hosts Saddleback and Clark's clownfishes.
S. mertensi, Merten's Carpet, Sri Lanka Carpet - Tentacles stubby, knob-like, uniform brown or occassionally bright green in color. Hosts Clark's and Ocellaris clownfishes.


I was kinda hoping he would find that himself, but thanks.

bang guy


Originally posted by cubs
I have two false perc that do host in my anemone!! For about 2 months

Once your Clownfish mature and become more of a bonded pair then they will start to chase other fish away from their host. That is unless the Carpet eats the Clownfish before then. They are notorious fish eaters.


Active Member
how hard are the green carpet anemone's to take care of? is a 260 watt light hood to little light for them?