carpet anemone


New Member
I was looking at a Atlantic Carpet Anemone last week and the local fish ---- told me no. He just said it was a bad idea. WHY???


Atlantic anemone's are fish eaters. I don't believe they host at all. Also a possibility is that the LFS may think you system is too new for an anemone.
That would mean you have a great LFS!


There are many reasons why "no" on the carpet anenome. There are also many reasons why to get one. Anenomes require prestine water condition, strong lighting needs and without going into the whole history, need to be added into a well established tank. The carpet anenome grows very large, can move large live rocks when on the move and kill corals in its path. They need to be fed seperately and if not fed enough might enjoy one of your fish. On the positive note, I love mine. He is over 1 foot fully extended, has stayed in the same spot for about 10 months ( before that he moved some large live base rock that was huge ! ) and provides a great home for my clowns. First look at the size of your tank, your lights and stock. I wouldn't put one in a tank less than 125 gallons but thats just me.


Active Member
Additionally, the 'Atlantic Carpet Anemone' -- Stichodactyla helianthus is really not the best choice for an anemone, they get big, over a foot in diameter, and have a very potent sting. Large carpets have taken down heathly tangs. They are also known to sometimes eat clownfish that try to host them (as they are no clownfish in the atlantic).


Active Member
why would a fish store carry stock that is a bad idea to put in a tank?
I wouldn't run a restaurant that advertises E-coli.
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
why would a fish store carry stock that is a bad idea to put in a tank?
I wouldn't run a restaurant that advertises E-coli.
It's all in what people want...I don't consider buying an octo a good idea but some people still have them.


Active Member
i wouldn't mind one some day...but i would keep it alone, or at least very careful what i put in with it. i wouldn't put it in a tank with anything else that would fall as natural or forced prey due to it being too hungry. same goes for fish eating plants. but ya...i see your point. mabee there are special occasion where you want something rare and exotic...but wish to keep it alone.


Active Member
i had a Carpet anemone until it ate my Yellow Head Jawfish.
i took that stupid thing back to the LFS after that. and i still haven't been able to buy a new Jawfish.