Carpet Anenome Acting Strange


New Member
I received a Green Carpet Anenome on Wednesday and acclimated him properly and put him in my tank. He looked great and wasted no time attaching himself to a rock. When I check on him at lunch time Thursday he had shrivled up to about 1/3 his size, I feared the worst, but figured I'd give him a chance. Well I got home late last night and he had blown himself back up to full size with all his tentacles out and moving around. This morning he looked great but now at lunch time I sat there and watched him shrivle himself back up. What has me perplexed is that he is fully open and looks great and active when the tank lights are off. When they come on at lunch time he shrivles himself up untill they go off. When they are off and he is fully expanded if I shine a flash light on him he retracts his tentacles where the light hits him. What's up with my carpet? Is he still getting acclimated to my system or is he in need of some food? I have not feed him since I got him Wednesday so I don't know how long it has been since he ate, but I thought that they liked light? Why would he contract when the lights are on but expand when they are off? Also, if I need to feed him, is it okay to feed him while he is contracted? I had planned on trying to feed him some shrimp at lunch time but was affraid to when I saw him contracting. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


New Member
Found the answer to my own question, and in case any one else ends up with the same question.
<a href="" target="_blank">Anenome Answer</a>