Carpet Anenome


Haven't posted a poll before, hope this works. I'd really like a carpet for my new tank once everything is setup, but I was wondering for those of you that have one, where they have chosen to stay in your tank. Most of the pics I've seen they seem to make thier home somewhere on the sandbed, but i've read some prefer the rocks. So how many people have them that have made thier home on the LR, and how many have them in the bed (or somewhere goofy like the glass or on some piece of equipment in the tank)? If anyone has comments on why they feel their anemone settled where it did, feel free to post a reply.


I have a green carpet anenome 10+" when it's happy. I have moved it twice (once into quaratine and once to display tank) I placed it on the sand bed both times and it stayed pretty much where I placed it both times-burrowed into sand attached to bottom of tank.


I thought about putting a couple of smaller rocks in a more open part of the sand bed to see if one would prefer having both if i get one. Thanks for the reply!


So it seems they prefer to be on the bed, but close to the bottom of the rock structures? Interesting. Thanks for the input everyone.

Please respect the natural environment that makes this hobby possible. Be responsible and be informed. Support aquacultured/tank raised species.


I have been stung by mine. I didn't feel a thing though, it was more like getting stuck to fly paper. It did make my hand blue though. :notsure:


I have been stung by my pink tip haitian. I just brushed up against it cleaning the tank. It did not hurt right away but gave my hives all over my arms and itched more than it stung, but it did sting. Probably lasted about 5-6 days.
What type of lighting do you have the carpets under?