carpet anenomes


Active Member
ok what would you all say is the minimum lighting requirements for a carpet anenome or a preferable anenome for clowns.


IMO there is no minimum. I would only recommend MH and VHO. This light helps keep the anemone happy and healthy along with good water conditions. However they can be kept under PC. If you are going to keep an anemone it is also recommended that you have an established tank and at least 7.5 watts per gallon.
*For a carpet i would say MH


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jake15
IMO there is no minimum. I would only recommend MH and VHO. This light helps keep the anemone happy and healthy along with good water conditions. However they can be kept under PC. If you are going to keep an anemone it is also recommended that you have an established tank and at least 7.5 watts per gallon.
*For a carpet i would say MH
beg to differ. BTA and LTA's and some other can be kept under t5's. i have a bta in a 55 under 216 watts of t5. Once i get indiviual reflectors on the bulbs i will be able to keep whatever i want... even hard corals


Active Member
Carpet anemonies are hard to keep in general and DEFFINATLY need intense MH 10 k ... I am a expert on carpets..... with BTA you can get away with T5 but nothing less.. No PC's allthough some may dissagree but you are just prolonging death with that type of lighting


Originally Posted by hot883
Aren't carpets known to eat fish?
If they get a hold of a fish then they are more than capable of eating it. There have been instances of clowns fighting other fish and dragging the back to their carpet anemone and them eating it.


One of my LFS has many different carpets under just PC's.
One of them is over 5 years old and looks to be about 2 feet in diameter (don't know how big for sure) and is the most beautiful carpet anemone i've ever seen. I'll take a pic next time i'm there.
It's spent it's whole life under PC's too...
The owner says he's never had a problem with carpets under PC's and told me he has many customers that have kept them for years and years under PC and they all have done great.
This is from the most reputable, well known shop in my area also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoushRacer
One of my LFS has many different carpets under just PC's.
One of them is over 5 years old and looks to be about 2 feet in diameter (don't know how big for sure) and is the most beautiful carpet anemone i've ever seen. I'll take a pic next time i'm there.
It's spent it's whole life under PC's too...
The owner says he's never had a problem with carpets under PC's and told me he has many customers that have kept them for years and years under PC and they all have done great.
This is from the most reputable, well known shop in my area also.

hmmmmm im not sure I fully believe this rant. Are you sure he isnt running T5
or just supplment PC, How deep is his tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Aren't carpets known to eat fish?
Barry it depoends on the carpet, there is a species that does not host clown fish and is very quick i believe it is from the atlantic. Ill get some more info later, Im at work and my break is almost over


Yes, positive it's PC.
The tank is pretty big and pretty deep, over 200g it looks like but I'll have to ask. The PC's are also suspended about a foot above the tank.


Active Member
I have successfully held a saddle carpet anome under VHO T-5s. However, they are known for not needing as much light as other types of carpets.


My LFS also has a carpet under PC. It is probably about 1.5-2 feet across when fully expanded. They have had it for over 4 years. I also have a green carpet under 4X96 PC.



Carpets - I have Hadonii and Mertensi carpets - MH - VHO combination
before I added the MH to the VHO I had little success - with the combination they seem to thrive.


I did have a 8" blue carpet under power compacts for about a year until somehow he got torn. I think by my full size maroon clownfish. Needless to say I got rid of him. When I got him I myself didnt know too much about them but the LFS told me to leave my lights on longer so they were on a 16/8 photo time. I have since upgraded to a 4x250w MH along with the original 4x96w PC combination. I havent been able to find another healthy blue carpet speciman as of yet. I kept on getting them in the mail from the online sources (not from but they were in poor condition as they dont ship well. After the second try with them I was tired of committing murder and cancelled the order. I will not order any anenome online anymore nor would I recomend it. I did however come across a pink and yellow tipped 14" ritteri at the LFS that they had labeled as a long tentacle. Nice and sticky so I got him, 60 bucks great score. Havent looked for anything else since? I have been very content with him. Didnt eat for a couple of weeks but now eats whatever I throw at him and what the clowns dont take from him. I would not recomend getting a ritteri though. They are only meant for the most expert aquarist. I only got him because he would have surely met his demise at the LFS under regular florescent lights and I know that I had a setup that could handle him. 1384 watts over a 125g with a 55 gallon refugium. Currently building a 225g shallower tank to accomadate him.