Carpet Burn

I currently have my tank running without a glass cover for the purpose of lighting. I have lost two fish due to carpet burn. Any suggestions on a man made method to keep the fish in without the top.


New Member
read in another post somewheres that somebody used that eggcrate lighting cover over the top of their tank which still allowed light to pass and gas exchange and all that other good stuff that they needed.


New Member
i use eggcrate on all my systems,,,,the only problem is the evaporation...
the eggcrate works weel though...
just make sure you top off with fresh water


Active Member
My lfs uses grids that you can buy for flourescent lights on the tops of its tanks that do not have covers. It allows light to pass but keeps fish in. He just cuts them to size. He also uses these to isolate fish in tanks where they have been nipping at each other as tank dividers.


check out one of your local "home & garden supply" stores. You should be able to find some plexi-glass or some other clear acrylic covering for it for pretty cheap. Many of these places will even cut it to size for you if you have the dimensions.