Carpet or Bubble under 32w PC?


Will they do ok under this type of lighting? I want one for my Eclipse with the retro 32w PC I think it has a 10K and an atinic bulb.


I don't believe it will make it very long. From what I've read even with MH the life of a anenome is limited in captivity.


Active Member

Originally posted by DB
I don't believe it will make it very long. From what I've read even with MH the life of a anenome is limited in captivity.

yes i read the same thing, "here" but ya know there is alot of sucess with them that i have seen with my own eyes, i had a couple myself for two years under PC's they thrived, so try them out and see if you have any luck is what i would do.


Active Member
I believe you have a larger tank, right? IF they outgrow the tank you could always put them in your larger tank.
If it makes it more than a week or two, let me know, I'd like to have one of those for my clown, he doesn't seem interested in my frogspawn.


I have a green carpet in my large tank and my tomato clown loves it. I got the carpet at FishPros. Is it just me or do they seem high$$?


Active Member
Sorry to be so sour about this, but please leave anemones in the ocean... with maybe an exception to a Haitian Condy. Many species of anemones are quickly heading to the same territory that sea horses are at: about to be put on the endangered species list. I know that many people do have temperory success with them, but ask how many they have gone through. Even at that, should the standard of success for a possibly couple hundred year old animal be measured in months?


Active Member

Originally posted by 125inTX
I got the carpet at FishPros. Is it just me or do they seem high$$?

They have the only selection of SW inverts and fish in the local area, unfortunately they can be a little high on their prices and get away with it. I try not to go to them unless it's something I need right away (only live 1 minute away from them) or its something I can't get at wal-mart or Petsmart. Now that Bubbles has sold out to Aquarilease in Lubbock, most people think that Fish Pros is the only option for equipment so Fish Pros can get away with the obnoxiously high prices. I was in there today and there was some lady there that had bought one of those cruel .25 gallon Nemo setups, and she couldn't figure out why she was about to buy her 4th Perc. She spent a butt load of money, and wouldn't listen to a word I or the employees said.


Active Member
I'm not sure, I think all questions about the original post have been answered, now it's just two local guys chattin'. I've seen posts that have even less to do with the subject, i.e. pics of a new bike or car:p . So if I'm gonna get scorned for talking about the local LFS....well, you get the point.
why would anyone even buy something they KNOW is going to die, and even if not die within a week or two, very soon after, yes maybe a very small hand full of people have had luck with keeping them in a tank, at least 90% dont. if you ask me, i think its very mean to keep something you know is going to die just so you can watch it for the times its alive, im all for keeping them in the sea, and if you want to see one, turn the tv on or go diving, just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I think it has to do with the human condition. You say 90% don't make it, well everyone hopes that they are in the 10 % range. Unfortunately it doesn't turn out that way. That's just how humans are I guess.


Active Member
Hahaha. Just noticed you became a Ninja Kip. Nice.
I'll do it again and recommend returning the anemone and trying a frog or hammer spawn. Much better chance of keeping that a live in your tank under those lights.


Active Member

Originally posted by bdhough
I'll do it again and recommend returning the anemone and trying a frog or hammer spawn. Much better chance of keeping that a live in your tank under those lights.

LOL, poor bdhough. If I was you I think I would just figure out how to make one button on my keyboard that would repeat that statement instead of having to type it atleast 3 times a week. I'm guilty of wanting to put an anenome in my tank, but I don't think i would try it. If I hadn't found this board I would have probably, but that was because I thought everyone with a reef tank had an anenome.
Why is it that an anenome won't survive in a tank?
Does it need certain lighting or food or fresh SW all the time? What are the factors that kill it?


Active Member
Noones sure why. Im sure its because we can't replicate its natural habitat and considering how long an anemone lives in the wild im sure that has something to do with it. Bang Guys lagoon is a good start btw... Keep in mind fish keeping (salt) is relatively new hobby and is only 25ish if younger. Your average fish needs 5-10 year home and usually only gets a 1-2 year home im finding.... As compared to keeping dogs and cats which is hundreds of years old.


Active Member
Ok, and noone get mad at me for this. If we (smart people that don't just buy them, wonder why it dies, then go another one) don't try to keep them and change up conditions and TRY to keep it alive for a longer period of time, and figure out what the factor is, then how will reefers ever be able to get these creatures to thrive like they did before the hobby started?
BTW I know what some of you are thinking, and u're right, I'm not the one who should be trusted with that kind of experimentation and research, but for crying out loud, someone needs to work on it.

bang guy

cprdnick - You point is well taken and very valid.
However, we already know that Carpets abd BTA do not ever survive long term in a small tank with no light. This is already proven over and over.
We have had the best success with experienced hobbiests with large tanks and lighting close the sunlight intensity.
When you ask experienced people for an opinion and you get that opinion, why argue?? It is their opinion. Either take it for whatever merit is shows, ask more detailed questions, or ignore it.
So, listen to those who have kept them in nanos for a couple of weeks, or listen to experience hobbiests that have either already made the mistakes, or done the research.
No slam intended at all.. this is actually directed at others that argue evertime they get an answer they don't like until some newbie give them an answer they like better.
I like your question about "how will reefers ever be able to get these creatures to thrive like they did before the hobby started?", actually I LOVE that question. When I started in the reef hobby SPS were impossible. As far as anemone, we know a lot of things that won't work. An Eclipse nano with 32 watts of PC WILL NOT WORK!!!!!! (for a hosting Anemone).

bang guy

added note for 125inTX - Great question!!!! Please never stop asking questions. I'm very glad you took to time to quesry instead of just doing the typical impulse buy.
Thank you!