Cat vs. Banded


New Member
I'll try (no promises hehehe) to make this the last time I bug you ! I'm narrowing my search to the Coral Cat vs. the BB Bamboo. Total adult lengh will most likely be my deciding factor. Okay here is my question...since the Coral Cat at maturity is just a little over half the size of a BBB at maturity (approx 24 inches vs. 40 inches) can I house a Coral Cat in a smaller tank than the Bamboo would need. I've pertty much figured out that you recommend a 180 for the Bamboos, but what about the smaller Cat?
Thanks again for your time, expertise and above all...PATIENCE :D :) ;) :p


Active Member
Some might say a 150 for a pair of coral cats, but I think an 180g with a pair of coral cats, and maybe one other appropriate fish would be nice. Bo


New Member
Looks like a 180 is in store. Obviously this will take a while to now find and set up.
Does anyone have any suggestions of where I can locate my Coral Cats when I have everything set up for them?


I agree, a 180 would be great for a pair as well as SOME fish. I would suggest checking out your lfs's first before you try ordering online. See if they can special order you two if they don have any in the store.