Catalina goby and pods


Another question.
I have lots of pods(the little white spiral things on the glass) in my 6 gal. tank.
I have read up on the Catalina goby, and I know they are carnivorous. And he has been eating really well. But lately, he is spending more time swimming in and around the caulerpa. He still eats his food when I feed him, but I was wondering in he is also eating the pods?


My pods are not spiral...They look just like fleas, and transparent, Im wondering if your talking about bristleworms, only in that about 2weeks ago I posted a critter ID for these very little spiral thins swimming in my tank, turns out they are a form of bristleworm..
~Susie ;)


No. These things stay on the glass. And with a magnifying glass (I have to get a better one of those) they almost look like some kind of litle white snail. They haven't grown and I have never seen them move. Although I am sure that they must.
I have a bristle worm. Kind of pretty. He's pink. So far he doesn't seem to bother the goby.
Sharon :)


But, back to my original question. Will the catalina goby eat the living stuff in the tank?? I still feed him. I was just wondering if he will also eat the live food.


Any of the books I have in regard to pods and fish, it says that fish will eat the pods, as long as they are not herbivores..
I looked up your Goby in my book, very handsome fish, :) and it says that its a peaceful fish..It also says that they will spawn repeatedly, but their larvae rearing has not been successful..
Gl with him, hes a cute little fish..Did u name him???We name all our stuff..(silly isnt it?? )


Active Member
I don't find it silly at all. You have to place a name with something in order to identify it. Names, not speciel names, but names like Joe, Bud, and such, make everything more personal. I have an arrow crab I named One-Up because he was missing a leg when I got him. He's huge now. Loves his tank though.


I don't know about your gobie mayby try a mandarin IMO they are great little fish and they will eat the heck out of your pods


Well, I've read everyhting on the Catalina Goby that I can find. Supposedly, they are carnivorous. So, I was just wondeirng if he is munching on the pods, along with his regular food.
While I would love a mandarin, I know I don't have enough for him to eat, in the long run. So, will put that off for now. I don't want to be responsible for any deaths.
The temp. in the tank is 72. I have been very slowly lowering it. Hoping the feather dusters will be able to take cooler water. The goby is very happy.
Haven't named her yet. (She is a she. So I've been kind of looking for a "him") Nothing seems to fit. Will keep working on that.
Sharon :cool: