Catalina goby?


Can anyone tell me anything about the catalina goby. I love their brilliant red color. I know that Gobies are reef safe but I really don't know anything else.
25gal mini reef
the only other inhabitants are
1 mandarine fish
1 pink skunk clownfish
various crabs and snails
devils hand leather
small goniopora
feather duster
Do you think they would do well in this tank with the others?


I've read that the Catalina Goby requires water temps less then that in a normal reef setup (60-70 degrees?) and in most cases requires a chiller. So it may not be compatible with your application.


Active Member
yes, catalina gobies require cooler temps. they come from the waters around california where the water is much chillier than the atlantic, indo pacific, etc. they do require chillers do do best. they can survive in warmer water, but i doubt its very healthy for them. my lfs occasionally gets them in and they always chill them. i wouldnt do a catalina goby unless you did a whole cold water tank with catalina gobies, garibaldis, etc. bo


New Member
Most LFS will sell them and tell you they'll do fine in a tropical tank. But just try to find a hobbyist that's kept them alive in those warm temps for more than a few months. Don't get the Catalina Goby.
[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: slash7 ]


Thanks guys, you are right, my lfs said they would order them for me (I saw a picture in a book they had) but of coars the failed to mention that I would be flushing money down the toilet. I didn't know about the water temp. I guess, I need to do a lot more research. thanks for the imput.


Active Member
if you want a goby still, i would go for a pair of neons. they are hardy, will breed in your tank, beneficial for your tank (will clean fish), and are just plain cool. they are cheap around here, only like 8-10 dollars. bo


I don't think I have enough room left for a pair. I have seen them at my lfs and liked them but with the size of my tank, thought they would be too larg. Thanks for the imput. I did some more checking on the catalina and the temp does need to be around 74deg and I keep mine at about 80 so they would never last. I am sorry to hear that though. They are really beautiful. I will keep looking


(Garabaldis?! arent those like illegal to keep in a tank? They are protected - and all over the place when I dive at catalina).
If you have ever been snorkeling or diving at Catalina you will notice that the water is colder than the water in your tank. They would not do well, they live for a while but not for too long. Expect the same amount of time as a Mandarin Goby. I had a friend that kept a chilled tank with stuff that he picked up around Catalina over the years. Bizarre guy.
Anyway, leave the Catalina gobies at Catalina! :) Too much troublenull


I don't think they are illegal. If they can sell a blue ring octipus then they should be able to sell catalina gobies. Right? You never know. I did decide not to get one though. I keep my aquarium quite warm 80-82. he would bake. Having good luck with the mandarine though. I haven't read anything stating that mandarines are short lived. Are you saying that they require colder water? I know they are picky eaters and so far, mine is a great eater.


The Garabaldi, as far as I have been told, are protected. They are the California state fish. Thats why you see so many of these little orange jewels peeking out from the kelp at Catalina. There are big "no-no" messages posted in fish and game books that these are not to be kept if caught and its a biggo type of fine. The Gobies however are there for the taking if you desire, but the water is typically colder than, say, your reef tank. You can find them and a few other kinds of gobies hanging around on rocks staring at you as you pass by.
As for the little madarins I was told to avoid them because they do not seem to last long in any tank. My knowledge comes from listening to people as they came into a LFS I used to work in for a long time (where I got addicted to reef tanks *SIGH*). I love the mandarins more than percs. but dont want to kill the little buggers to please me! :(
Whats you trick for keeping a mandrin? I would just LOVE to have the courage to purchase one someday!


New Member
Most mandarins don't last long because most people don't know what their feeding requirements are. They require well established tanks with plenty of pods. Feeding is indeed the most difficult aspect of keeping these beautiful fish.


Well, I did have problems with the first 4 I purchased. I wasn't given much information on them when I first started with reef tanks and I thought they were beautiful. Now, my tank has been established for 8 months, I purchased a very fat, healthy, good eating Mandarin that I had been watching at the LFS for about 2 weeks. He has been a great addition to my tank and is eating very well. I am constantly watching him while he is eating copapods and he also eats frozen brine shrimp. He is still very fat and very active. My water conditions stay very good as I check them about 3 times per week due to the size of the tank. The only other fish in the tank with him is a pink skunk clown and they seem to get along great. If you tank is established and your not loosing fish, and the other inhabitants are friendly and non agressive, you should treat yourself. They are truely beautiful.


I had a mandarin for one year, and he was hardy and happy until he got stuck in a hole and died, however I had him since my tank cycled and never had any problems with food. he would eat flake and brine. So don't be afraid to get one they are awesome fish. I just haven't had the $$$ to buy a new one. :D :D