Catalina Water Company Real Ocean Water?


I was wondering if this was any good. Its pretty expensive. what are the advantages of using real ocean water and synthetic mixed water? pros and cons of both?


IMO, real ocean water is better than processed/synthetic mixed water. I buy both because I don't want to pay $9.99 every time I want to do a 5 gallon water change. I can buy the synthetic water at my lfs for $1.00/gallon.


New Member
Used this water to set up my first tank with LR and LS and it cycled in like 2 weeks. It works great and is hassle free. Tell ***** their website says 7.99 and they always match the price for me.


Who sells this stuff? I was told by a guy who has a gorgeous tank (pics at - its just a photography site, nothing is for sale!) to use real ocean water that has been cleaned. Or is there a way to clean ocean water? I live all of 15 minutes from the beach, I am there every weekend just about on the boat. On one of our trips out like 8-10 miles, I dont see why I couldnt get a few gallons of water out there, but how would I go about getting all the bad stuff out of it?


Active Member
if you live on the water, natural sea water is the best. you just have to go into the ocean at least 2 miles imo, and get it from there.
i use this premade water when i forget to make water the night before my order is coming. never had any problems with it.


Active Member
Keep in mind when looking at that thread that some comanies including Catalina treat the water before selling it to you. As stated from their website they actually filter the water to remove contaminants (as well as some non-contaminants) they also use UV to kill the bad bacteria which waht they don't say will kill the beneficial bacteria also. The extensive research and testing they refer you to (a link) that has an elaborate test layout which was probably performed with real sea water and not yet treated but we will never know because it doesn't state anything about it.


i bought a 5 gal and tested the water. the water is on point. all the params are on point. it is real expensive to buy for every water change but i think it would be good for a new cycle?


Active Member
If you have access to a good LFS, most will traditionally use their Ro water with a good mix and keep some on hand. If you don't want to mix your own, buy it from them for about $1 a gallon.