Catch your Own?

Originally Posted by wcroft987
in FL you can catch your own tropicals as long as they arent protected and you have your fishing license thats all you need, i know lots of ppl in the keys who catch their own fish its just like fishing as long as its not protected and your not killing it which your not, length rules dont apply. thats just my 2 cents and i catch my own fish i have 3 hi-hat drums i cought and they are all doing great fish are hard to net though they are smart!
holla! lol


I have also done the same. Went to the keys with a florida fishing license and caught gobies, Majors, hermits, and other miscelaneous fish. On the way back I was stopped and asked what I had, Showed them and was cleared to go. I do not know about international waters though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
I checked the civil code in La and it is illegal to harvest wildlife in international waters and bring them in to the state due to tariffs and prevention of foreign species being released into local waters. It is hard to get caught though but you always run the risk of introducing hitchers into your system. The key is to check your states laws as it quite illegal in Louisiana with some nasty penalties.
Then how do all those tasty red snapper living under your rig , and caught by sportsman, get to the Louisiana dinner tables?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Delta, this is not a freedom of speech issue. Furthermore, you are not "free" to post anything you want here. The original poster was asking about the legality of collecting. You posted telling them to go for it, that they probably wouldn't get caught, and to make up a lie about a sister doing "research" if they did get caught (researchers, btw, have strict laws governing their behavior).
If you need further clarification as to the rules to post here feel free to PM a Mod. I don't want this thread to get hijacked over the "freedom of speech" issue.
Thanks, Journeyman! Encouraging breaking a law can be as serious as actually doing the deed. I hear goby poachers and their accomplices do REAL HARD time.


On the topic of the laws, i think you can because a friend of mine does it all the time for this aquarium she works at and its publicly known


Active Member
"Game" fish are in a totally different catagory than "aquarium" fish. Just because you have a saltwater fishing license in Florida..or where ever..doesnt mean you can leagally harvest fish for yor tank. In Florida they do offer a license so you will be able to catch tropical fish for re-sale or for your own personal use. Stand by for link.


Active Member
Also, please don't assume that because it is done for public aquaria, that it is OK. Public aquaria, and scientists, have all manner of permits and such to do these things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Also, please don't assume that because it is done for public aquaria, that it is OK. Public aquaria, and scientists, have all manner of permits and such to do these things.