Catching a Fish


I have a 55 gallon tank with lots of rock work.
Ive been trying to catch my sailfin for 4 days now. Ive not fed him for a day then put food in and try to catch him with the net.... It doesnt work
I need some suggestions on how to get him out with out buying a fish trap.


Active Member
Just chase chase chase, try and divide him to half the tank if u can. Otherwise ur looking at removing all your rock as a last resort.


I had ich, killed all my fish. hes the last survivor now im getting rid of him and starting over on FISH!
Problem solved hes getting starved


Active Member
Originally Posted by hutchinson
I had ich, killed all my fish. hes the last survivor now im getting rid of him and starting over on FISH!
Problem solved hes getting starved
PROBLEM SOLVED? How is starving him solving the problem. I did this last weekend and it causes little to no harm or stress. Go to a local bait and tackle shop, find small fly fishing hooks, i used a size 20. Tie that to a peice of thread and fish for your sailfin. Put a small peice of algae sheet, or a mysis shrimp on it and you won't have any problems getting him, i caught both of the fish i was trying for in a matter of 45 secs. Please don't starve this fish to get it out, its not its fault that you put it in a 55 gallon tank and stressed him causing it to get ich, there fore causing the rest of your fish to get it and die, this is why it is recommended not to put a tang in anything less than a 90 or 125. They get ich...


god when you put a tang in anything less than a 90g then you didn't do research and might as well tie a live grenade to him.


When u say use a hook. DO u mean tie it to a fishing line and just fish with it?? then when u pull it out just rip it out of its mouth...
will the fish even strike it hard enough?


Originally Posted by hutchinson
When u say use a hook. DO u mean tie it to a fishing line and just fish with it?? then when u pull it out just rip it out of its mouth...
will the fish even strike it hard enough?
Do not starve him. Why did you have a sailfin (which grows very large btw) in a 55???? Be a responsible aquarist, move the rocks and get him out!!! I am not trying to flame you, but that is just awfull.


Everyone seems to have there own opinion on size for a tang... However my lfs OWNER said he would be fine in my tank...
I didnt mean starve him to death i mean im not going to feed him for several days then feed him and net him.
Im not moving my live rock because last time i did that i lost 75% of my coral


Originally Posted by hutchinson
Everyone seems to have there own opinion on size for a tang... However my lfs OWNER said he would be fine in my tank...
I didnt mean starve him to death i mean im not going to feed him for several days then feed him and net him.
Im not moving my live rock because last time i did that i lost 75% of my coral
Hutchinson, your lfs OWNER is full of BS if he said that tang will live happily in a 55. They get very large. I am not trying to flame you by any means. A little info:
Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1' 3"
Color Form: Bright Blue, Bright Yellow, Brown
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Coral Sea, Fiji, Indo-Pacific, Tahiti
Family: Acanthuridae


u ppl blow some of this **** out of proportion... Once the sailfin reached certain length, i would pull him out of my tank. to me it seemed like it really liked my tank.. Yess it is an active fish but if its and 1.5 inches i think its fine also


Active Member
I would be carefull how much you accuse people with much more experience than you (not me, but a lot of people on this board) of not knowing what they are talking about. You asked for help and they are giving you honest answers. Most people on this board will tell you that tangs need a lot more room than a 55 g can provide and unlike your lfs, they aren't trying to sell you anything and there are more of them so you end up with a lot of opinions. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean it's wrong.
Fish tend to get ich when they are stressed, so it is probably the reason your tang got ich. It's not so much about size for tangs as it is swimming room--they need a lot of it.
Also, getting rid of a fish when it outgrows your tank is not responsible fish keeping IMO. It's important to research fish's full length and need before buying them.


Originally Posted by hutchinson
u ppl blow some of this **** out of proportion... Once the sailfin reached certain length, i would pull him out of my tank. to me it seemed like it really liked my tank.. Yess it is an active fish but if its and 1.5 inches i think its fine also
I am not blowing anything out of proportion. Just giving you the facts. Do what you want to do. I am just trying to help you.


one thing i ahve learned (not the hard way i just ahven't set my tank up yet) is NEVER buy ANYTHING that you plan on taking out of your fish tank unless your up-grading to a bigger tank. meaning never buy a fish that you plan on selling/giving back/ giving away