catching a Mantis shrimp

salty james

Anyone had success ?
The LFS said do a FW dip until he pops out ?
I have heard squirting soda water with a baster into the holes in the LR also does the trick ?
Anyone have any suggestions on the best method or alternative methods.
Thank you for helping me rid my tank of this little bstrd :)


i did it very similar, but i wasnt really trying to catch him then i saw him go into a hole with a opening at both ends so i put the net at one end (still in my tank) and boiled up some water and squeezed it into the whole and he came flying out into the net. Anyone in mass want a free mantis just have to pick him up. dont have my license right now ;( so shipping is a hassle.


New Member
You can squirt him with hydrogen peroxide and he will come squirming out. Hydrogen peroxide is just h20 with another oxygen molecule attached (h202), so it will not hurt anything! Happy hunting.

salty james

I have been having problems locating where his hide out is.... any ideas ?
I have rock that has allot of holes.
Thanks for all the great stories / suggestions. :)


You could use the red light technique. Turn off the lights for about an hour.. then use a red flashlight, (you can put a red wrapper over a white light), and scan the tank for the mantis.. once you see him, try to spook him, and he'll really quickly run into his hole.
Good hunting :)

salty james

Good news.... Got the manits shrimp out, and cut him int 4 pieces & fed him to the triggers!
Ended up filling a sink with the tank water, and
then taking the rock and squirting fresh ice cold water into several holes until he came flying out... nasty little buggers. <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


Hey i just got a 1-2 inch mantis shrimp! it was at the rock at the top and i just took a knife and cut him open. VERY hard to kill. i stabbed him 3 times before he stoped moving. mine are multplying like crazy. is there any way could i keep in a different tank with just him in it? its 3 inch mantis VERY COLORFUL! really butiful. it would be cool to watch him. what do they eat?


Absolutely anything!!!! Love crabs, shrimp, snails, your basic clean up crew, it will eat it all!!!


New Member
so many people want to buy mantis shrimp .
go to reef central and sell him. i bet you get alot of responses. i have one i feed him gold fish. it is cool to watch him eat <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />