catching damsels


Active Member
is there a fish that i could place in my tank to rid me of a few damsels? i know this sounds terrible but i can't catch those things for the life of me....i am not evil i promise!!


Seriously catching damsels is not that hard.. unless they are diseased save the trouble and just catch them and tank them back to your lfs. You have to think that there are a number of other fish that could eat them for you, but then you are going to be left with a cranky fish (i.e. undualte trigger or lion fish)


Have you tried using a fish trap of any sort? If you want a cheap one, cut the top quarter off a coke bottle and then sticky tape ot back on, on one side, put some live brine shrimp in the other end of the bottle and when the damsels swim into the bottle close the whole thing and your done. WOrks a treat!


sup chadman! try using a very small hook for fishing... not the barbed kind where it will tear their lip up when u remove it, but the kind that are smooth, except for the point on the very end.. u dont need a fishin pole, just a lil bit of line, and put a brine shrimp on it and WHAMOE!!! u got urself a damsel!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AnothrName
sup chadman! try using a very small hook for fishing... not the barbed kind where it will tear their lip up when u remove it, but the kind that are smooth, except for the point on the very end.. u dont need a fishin pole, just a lil bit of line, and put a brine shrimp on it and WHAMOE!!! u got urself a damsel!


Active Member
i tried the coke bottle thing but that did not work....i will try the fishing it with a hook damsels always stay low aroudn the rockwory i have a feeling my clowns or cleaner shrim will attack the hook


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i tried the coke bottle thing but that did not work....i will try the fishing it with a hook damsels always stay low aroudn the rockwory i have a feeling my clowns or cleaner shrim will attack the hook
its not fun having to Catch and release in your fish tank!!!! LOL Hey man whats up? The fishing hook method has worked for a few people!!! Some people will purchase a bigger net.... feed the fish... then catch them when feeding..... But he Hook and line should work..... if not for your cleaner or Clowns!!!!


Active Member
tommorow i will give both these methods a shot and let u guys know how things worked out...tommorow will be a happy day ifi have two less damsels....thanx guys i am off to bed!


Active Member
no luck guys!! they stayed along the bottom the entire time and didnt come up for the hook or for the bottle trap


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
no luck guys!! they stayed along the bottom the entire time and didnt come up for the hook or for the bottle trap
That sucks!!! I am sorry....... I would of thought you fishing for him would of worked!! What did you use for bait?


Originally Posted by Jerth6932
That sucks!!! I am sorry....... I would of thought you fishing for him would of worked!! What did you use for bait?


Active Member
i little piece of shrimp...all the other fish attacked it...its as if the damsels hear me talking about hwo i want to get rid of them.....


Volitans lions L-O-V-E damsels
In our world it would be like a 48 ounce steak
And that being the best stake in you life


i also have a special talent at catching fast fish also hapshot


Originally Posted by surfinusa
i also have a special talent at catching fast fish also hapshot
if you did have a lion couldnt you just not feed him for a few then he would eat them. My lion got hungry when I was gone for the weekend and ate my sand sifting gobie that was as long as he was and it took him a while to digest it but he got it down


Originally Posted by teaggs
if you did have a lion couldnt you just not feed him for a few then he would eat them. My lion got hungry when I was gone for the weekend and ate my sand sifting gobie that was as long as he was and it took him a while to digest it but he got it down
That must suck for your lionfish to have ate your goby. I wonder if my trigger or SFE would eat a sandsifting goby. :thinking: