catching damsels


Active Member
Okay .. I am sitting down now collecting my wits again. I know I've seen posts on here with various ways to catch the ever elusive damsel fish. They have served me well, my tank cycled wonderfully, has matured to the point I am ready to remove them, and my lfs is more than happy to take them back. But I now know that these evasive creatures are much smarter than I had ever thought. I can stand there at the tank and almost touch them with my bare hands, but if I have a net ... forget it ! They hide in my LR or dart around with such fury, and I swear I can see them smiling and laughing at me LOL - mocking my futal efforts with such pleasure

So .... any help from you experienced damsel catchers would be much appreciated.
I've heard of using traps, plastic bags, some sort of plastic bottle rig .. etc.
Who can help me with my pursuit of this tricky, slippery fish.
(1) Blue Devil
(1) Yellow-Tail
(4) Green Chromis
(1) Frustrated Hobbyist
Thanks in advance - Broomer

mr . salty

Active Member
I found out by accident that if you put a Humma Humma in there ,they will be gone in no time.................STEVE


New Member
I sorta found out a Black Lion will take care of your Damsel problem.. I started with 6 damels I am now down to 2 within 4 days... My lion is looking fat already


Do the bottle trick. That way if it's going to be a reef, you don't want lions & triggers in it. By the way, guys, I have three aggressive damsels in my 180 FO with a Picasso (Humu), Niger & Red Lionfish. I WISH the damsels would become dinner (maybe one did that was weak), but they CHASE the big guys!! Damn little



ROFL! You guys are funny

I actually have a huma trigger that is living very nicely with my damsel...
They dont bother each other at all.
The reason I left him in there was because I couldn't get him out after the cycle, so I know how you feel :)
I had 4 of them, and only managed to get 3 out. I figured if he wanted to stay that bad, he deserved to :)
Now, he is about 3 times the size, and doing great. I really started to love the little guy :)


Piece of cake. Put your net in the tank and then sprinkle in some flake food and those hungry damsels will forget about the net and go for the food. While there up at the top gently swoop them up. I was amazed how easy is was to catch my damsels this way.


The feeding method has helped me alot. Definately worth trying if you haven't yet. I also move a few things to create a clear corner to work with (I don't know if that's possible with your tank). And lastly, I use two nets to corner them. If old enough, a beer (for yourself) before-hand might best wishes!


Active Member
Thanks for the replies everyone.
I'm working to eventually have a reef tank so aggressive fish are not in my immediate plans.
I've tried the flake food and net tactic .. but as mentioned before .... the little demons are wise to this practice.
Guess I will give the bottle trap trick a try once again.
Last resort .. I wanted to get more live rock anyway .. so I may purchase the rock, completely remove all rock from tank ... catch the little monsters .. and restack rock. Have beer in fridge so that is already covered

Thanks again,


New Member
What is the bottle trick? I was sucessful getting all but one of these little pricks.
[This message has been edited by smcnulty (edited 08-10-2000).]