Catching fish


Active Member
hello all,
my fish has ick. I currenly have 5 small fish in 110 gal tank full of LR and some inverts and corals. Is there any possibility to catch the fish? The fish is very active. Any traps can be made??? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


you can tr brine in a big clear zip lock bag.. but if one of your fish has ick then all your fish need to be treated not just the one wit visible signs, just because u cant see the ick doesnt mean its not there.


sorry to hear of your sick fish. i removed a neon dottyback not long ago. i went to my LFS, great guy he is, let me borrow his fish trap. all it is is a 4" diameter cylinder. the back closed off, the opposite side is a slide door tied to a fishing string. put some food in the back of the cylinder, the fish went in, let go of string and door slides down trapping fish.
of course, i caught everything but the dottyback at 1st, but he eventually came curiously in the trap.
hope this helps and keep an eye on those other fishes :)