Catching Fish


I have had trouble in the past with catching fish in my tank. I have to get all the rock work out which a)takes a long time and
b)Stresses the other fish out.
As soon as the nets in the or close to the tank they shoot of and dont come out. Just wondering what technique you guys and girls have had the most success with.


Active Member
Have you tried using 2 nets? Or use something to guide the fish in the area of the net.
If it hides in a piece of rock you can get at, pick out the rock with the fish in.


Feed them and put the net in the water. While they are eating at the surface try using the net. Worked like a charm for me - I was doing the same as you, prior to that.
Hope that helps


There is a product out on the market called "PURE LUCK".
Not sure where to get it, cant seem to ever find it when I need it.;)
But I heard that is what it takes to catch saltwater fish.


I've tried Pure Luck,it works well.The only other way is to quarantine them for 2-3 weeks prior to putting them in your display tank.During this time you teach them to come when you call them.


HAH! Cool idea.
I think I will try that next time.
(Its got to be better than tieing a piece of string to them and then pull them out when you want.):D


i have tried feeding them with the net in the water but the smart little buggers wont come out untill the nets gone, ill try using 2 nets.


I think I saw some at WAL MART. But there always out.
Now im looking for just palin ole DUMB LUCK.
(I can always find that):D


I use a small fishing hook baited
But i only believe in catch and release (I finally changed my mind on eating saltwater fish since i had that nasty fillet from a False Perc)


i tried everything in the book....none worked. EXCEPT....while feeding ur fish....turn all the lights off immediately...the fish will be in shock and then just snatch that sucker right up..took me 3 tries...but thats pretty good for a firefish. They are fast ass hell. I also went out and bought the biggest net possible...hth - mike


or u know gett them while they are sleepin, u kno thats always been the easiest way for me, wake up round 3 am, the fish are like so outta it they cant react and dont notice being trasfered to other waters. but try to keep it real dark


i dont take any chances of breaking the glass so i remove almost all my rock , about 40lbs ,take out yellow tang put all the rock back , add new fish,and put yellow tang in isolation tank (10 gal )for a few days. rearrange rock then reintroduse yellow tang back. this is the only thing that works for me:D