Catching Tropical Fish and Water Testing


New Member
Just wandering if there is anyone out there that catches their own fish from the wild?
I am a rec diver and just purchased a boat. I am planning to dive some offshore reefs and was interested in catching my own fish.
Anybody have any ideas?
Also I have had a 115g tank for 4+ years now and i know i'll probably cop all sorts of abuse from people that can't get their water quality right. But I have never once tested the water and only lost a few fish with Ick. The water is changed every 6 to 8 weeks and I give it a thorough clean every 3 months.
I am only new to this group and have read alot about testing the water. Is there any electronic type testers that would give you a constant display of the water parameters? If so, where are they available from?


As for catching my own fish, I myself have never done it. I know some other people have, with quite a bit of success. Just beware of water pullutants, condition of fish, etc. Also beware that some areas have regulations prohibiting taking wildlife, so make sure you know these before you get arrested for taking home a four dollar fish. Also, concerning your water parameter testing, I say if you've had good luck than stick with it. I would suggest some sort of testing every once in awhile. I have seen electronic testers, yet they are expensive and I've only seen them for pH. I'm sure they're out there though if you're willing to spend some cash. If you find something, let me know! I also, am not exactly thrilled with checking my water!! lol. :)
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: misty927 ]
There are electronic testers for ph, salinity, stray voltage, and some others and they arent cheap, althoug I dont know that it matters to you. I would tell you where you could look but we are not permitted to post links to other sites and it would only be deleted. You can email me at and I can send you a link. gl! with the diving.


New Member
A friend of mine in Hawaii has a 175 gallon tank in his house. He is always looking in the tidal pools in the rocks and nets some great fish. The only problem he has had (which most of them start eating later) is getting them to eat. He has caught some interesting shrimp, crabs, shellfish, etc.