Catching Up (this could become pic intensive)


thanks.... years in learning maybe... but this tank has only been running 1yr (a little less if you count some setbacks in the beginning) a handful of the corals were grown out a little in a frag tank i ran before setting up this tank


i have been doing a tank related project in the garage... thats why i havent posted anymore pics, etc to this thread. hopefully i will be able to add a little more content in the coming days.


Active Member
Your tank looks amazing Stony Nut! The Desjardini Sailfin Tang is gorgeous.
BTW, thanks for all of the pH/Ca/Alk advice over the years. It now takes me several hours every week to scrape all of the coralline from my tank, and the stonies are growing like crazy!
And welcome back


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Dare I ask how much $$ you have invested?
goodness im scared to know....but the same time, that tank is a definite dream of mine so id also like to know....


RobChuck.... yeah... its like i often ask new hobbyist when they ask me about growing coraline.... "do you really wanna know?" :) glad all is going well for ya. if you've in fact learned some things from me over the years then its just a tribute to how well online communities work because there was a time when I knew just enough to get me in trouble. (be quiet bang :) )
beth and carshark ... while quite expensive, probably not nearly what you'd think. i've never kept a running ledger of the tank expenses. i could probably go thru and add up the existing equipment but it wont count upgrades etc. i was lucky in that i have a great friend that is able to get products for me at drastically reduced prices. (ok people, dont even start :) ) I am glad to say that i dont go thru fish, corals, and inverts like some people go thru toilet paper. Also 90% of what you see in that tank was tank raised from a small coral fragment. As far as costs, I have done pretty well trading corals with fellow hobbyists and lately the tank has been giving a little return on investment from coral frags that i sell from time to time. Its taken many years to get to this level of tank keeping (and I am by no means at the pinnacle-- who ever is?). I am just glad to share a bit of success at a place where i got my feet wet years ago. Helping fellow hobbyists still remains one of the most rewarding aspects of this little addiction of mine.
Thanks again all for the nice words. Sorry for the ramble, but i have a lot going on now and havent had time for more pictures. I have been remodeling my old propagation room upstairs as a nursery for our first born, setting up a new propagation/control room in the garage, and battling some pretty bad illnesses inb/w. (a coupla months ago some of my body chemistry levels had bottomed out to near fatal levels... months before that i found out i had a degenerative vertebrae disease) Enough of all that mess.... hopefully by the end of the week i will be able to update with my garage project.

nm reef

Active Member
Well...I've looked in on this thread and waited long enough......welcome to the site.....

Nice to see ya..... :joy:
Thanks for sharin'.....
Don't stay away so long next time.....

....and looky here......



fun shot....
tank one year ago after i moved all of the corals in from the frag tank ... 9-28-05
(about a month after this i took all of the corals back out and put them back into the frag tank because I had to hypo the display tank for ******. this was a major setback. i lost a handful of corals from the stress of moving them and the ones that made it necrosed a lot and severely browned out)


a shot of a fish friend lost.
i got this fish and it went in the tank about a month before any other fish. i wanted it to have the whole tank to itself to feel comfortable and get used to captive life (these are extremely delicate fish) i was really worried about my yellow tang being with this fish becasue they are known not to get a long. i moved all my fish into the tank with the yellow tang being the last at the time. all was well for 7-8months. the cu-band and yellow got along just fine for all of that time. one day i came home from work and the yellow is slicing and dicing at the cu-band. i was able to catch the cu-band later that nite and put it in the refugium by itself. next morning.. the cu-band was dead. i would like to have another one, but only if i can ever catch the yellow tang and get it out. tough part is, i have had the yellow tang for over 3 yrs and am a little attached. there is a new frag tank as part of the system and i would put it in there.
enough rambling... here is the cu-band butterfly


Staff member
Originally Posted by StonyNut
fun shot....
(about a month after this i took all of the corals back out and put them back into the frag tank because I had to hypo the display tank for ******. this was a major setback. i lost a handful of corals from the stress of moving them and the ones that made it necrosed a lot and severely browned out)
I'm surprised that you don't have a QT?? Especially after your exp with one of your fish awhile back.


Originally Posted by Beth
I'm surprised that you don't have a QT?? Especially after your exp with one of your fish awhile back.
i do have a QT and religously use it on new arrivals (a 30g that is plumbed into the whole system, turned offline as needed.. no meds in this tank... strictly for hypo)
******-mass coral exodus to hypo this display episode..... only thing i can figure was it came from some fresh tonga branch... some of which was immediately added to the tank.... (live and learn)
i have two anthias in QT right now... just got them in today.. they will be on their way down to 14ppt nad held for a month and then brought back up. if all goes well they will join a male lyretail and a female. (new ones are female)
i also have a strong UV filter now just in case.... but now that EVERYTHING undergoes strict QT before display i have never even had to get it outta the box.


Staff member
Originally Posted by StonyNut
only thing i can figure was it came from some fresh tonga branch... some of which was immediately added to the tank.... (live and learn)
Yes, that will do it. Good to either KNOW where the rock [or even hard shelled inverts] come from, or start QTing those too. You can do hypo for 3 wks [from last sight of ich].
i also have a strong UV filter now just in case.... but now that EVERYTHING undergoes strict QT before display i have never even had to get it outta the box
You're using a UV in a reef tank??


no.. i am not using it..... but i have it in just in case i need a band-aid while planning another corrective course of action
and i know a good deal of folks that run a UV filter on reef tanks.


still working on my garage project
lesson learned:
dont run a halide over a frag tank in the garage in the evening in the later summer with the garage door open :(