catching wild and putting into tank help


Active Member
hello i have a question for you all?!
i was wondering if i van catch some crabs and fish can i put them into my tank or should well i know i should get them ok by the board members ) but do i have to feed them a certian way.?
also does anyone know a technique to catch nice little sw fish worthwhile to put in you tank? minnow trap? casting net... i think its called where you have 2 ppl and they both walk to the shore with net in hand and c what they get?


it can be done in fact i do it but YOU MUST check your state rules on the stuff you get and allways QT the stuff. also make sure they are reef safe if you have or plan on haveing a reef tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
it can be done in fact i do it but YOU MUST check your state rules on the stuff you get and allways QT the stuff. also make sure they are reef safe if you have or plan on haveing a reef tank.
ok can i use uncycled water or do i have to make sure the tan is cycled?
can i just do water changes so it dosent cycle
also any methods?
the waters areound here are cool so i bet i wount find any colorful fish or cool one but ill try if i get a method.. w/o a boat that is


If you are'nt set up yet, why not just use ocean water. You won't have to wait for a cycle, it is free, and you can get it when you go fishing for your new pets! Well, you should fill your tank up before catching any fish, because ocean water will need a couple days to settle and clear up.


Active Member
Yes, a cycle is still going to happen, even if you use water from the ocean.
If you do decide to catch your own fish in a state that allows it, BE SURE to quarantine the fish for 3 weeks to observe for parasites.


I'm sorry, I did not know it would still cycle! I just assumed all the bacteria in the water would be enough.
Well I'd say set your tank up, and while your waiting for your cycle you can perfect your fishing technique!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Where are you located Bill? A lot of the cold water animals won't survive in our tropical tanks.
i am located in CT the ocean i would be goingt to is in Old saybrook CT what about crabs would they survive? if they wont while they are in the qt i wil kepp the temp low and put them back ionto the ocean if they wont. butt heres the thing why should i have to put the water into my tank b4 putting in newly caught fih. they are comming out of the water that you put form the ocean into your tanks o why switch them out into better water wheni it can just be cleaned with them in it.?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeffreak9
I'm sorry, I did not know it would still cycle! I just assumed all the bacteria in the water would be enough.
Well I'd say set your tank up, and while your waiting for your cycle you can perfect your fishing technique!
i have a 30 gall set up but just wanting to add maybe a new one from the ocean?


Bill, is your 30 gallon setup already cycled? If it is you could put them in right away, but if you have other store bought fish already, I would definately QT the newly caught fish seperately first.


I regularly catch crabs and snails for my tank. The main thing to watch for is the water quality where you are getting them from. I would recommend areas as far from boat ramps and other high traffic areas so that you are eliminating as much pollution as you can.
For fish I use a large aquarium net or a slurp gun ( I have found the net more efficient personally ) to catch them. I would not recomend a cast net because of the chance of catching their gills.
You can probably go online and get a list of what is legal to take and what is not in your state. You'll be surprised to see what is legal to keep. I live in Florida and was amazed on what you can legally take home although with fish I have read that tank raise fish are hardier in an aquarium, but if you can save a couple bucks here and there I say try it.


Now I can understand how you can post almost 500 times and never get the basics of salt water keeping down.


Active Member
No, IMO the animals from CT will not likely survive and I do not recommend catching them. First, many are NOT reef safe...perhaps most. Certainly not most of the crabs you will likely catch, and many of the snails also could be dangerous. If you can not identify them it would be a huge mistake to catch them. IMO, you are obligated to KILL any animal you catch that you can not keep, rather than returning them to the wild. I think in general, you would not succeed in catching things that would survive long term.
Now if you want to set up a local species tank, that is another issue.


Active Member
I agree with most posts here but remember you CANNOT mix these wild caught fish with store bought fish. Same as with crabs. Water that you collect from where you catch or sein these fish from will be polluted, but they are living in it ok. To put them in with store bought fish will be death for all in the tank. Local caught species only and with the water you catch them in will be fine.
Bacteria doesn't live in the water alone, in fact they live in the sand and rocks. You will need sand and rocks from same place IF not prohibited by law to collect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I agree with most posts here but remember you CANNOT mix these wild caught fish with store bought fish. Same as with crabs. Water that you collect from where you catch or sein these fish from will be polluted, but they are living in it ok. To put them in with store bought fish will be death for all in the tank. Local caught species only and with the water you catch them in will be fine.
Bacteria doesn't live in the water alone, in fact they live in the sand and rocks. You will need sand and rocks from same place IF not prohibited by law to collect.
ok mabe ill start a tank from the ocean im not sure lol


Originally Posted by GSD
Now I can understand how you can post almost 500 times and never get the basics of salt water keeping down.
Absolutely--can get very frustrating-just when you think you have it---ya don't..!!!
Just keep trying!! :happyfish :happyfish