Catching your own


New Member
I'm heading down to fla in a few weeks and i like snorkelin and i was wonderin what the laws and limits where and if u need one if ur under 16 and where you are allowed 2 capture the fish??I'm goin 50 miles north of tampa so is there any place near tampa or clearwater or weekie wache?? :eek:


New Member
First of all, if you try to bring any fish that you capture in the water from the ocean that you cought them in,they probably won't make it home. The bacteria in the little bit of ocean water that you will have will grow very fast and most likley make them very ill or kill them. Ocean water takes about 6 weeks of filtering before it can be used in you home aquarium. :(


Active Member
Copied/Pasted from above website;
Minimum Size Limit (Total Length): Spanish Hogfish 2", Spotfin Hogfish 3", Porkfish 1 1/2"
Maximum size Limit (Total Length): Angelfish (except rock beauty) 8", Butterfly, Jawfish 4",
Rock Beauty 5", Gobies 2", Spanish Hogfish 8", Spotfin Hogfish 8"
Bag Limit fishes/Invertebrates: 20 per person per day. no more than 5 Angelfish and no more than 6 Octocoral Colonies. Plants: 1 gallon per person per day
Live landing and live well requirements. Harvest in Biscayne National Park & John Pennekamp State Park Prohibited.
Unlawful to harvest or posses Longspine Urchin, Hard and Fire Corals, Sea Fans, Florida Queen Conch and Bahamas Starfish.
Harvest of live rock in state waters is prohibited.
I would suggest contacting;
The Bureau of Marine Enforcement (BME),
Telephone numbers for BME District Offices
District 4: Tampa: 813-272-2516
Good luck and have a blast snorkeling !
Brian ;)