Caterack, among world’s oldest cats, dies at 30


Caterack, among world’s oldest cats, dies at 30
Brought home as a kitten in 1979, cat had a long, happy life with her owner
Alisa Morris
When Alisa Morris adopted a kitten that she named Caterack in the summer of 1979, she never imagined the cat would still be staring back at her some 30 years later. Caterack died Thursday after a period of illness.
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Caterack, the kitty who kept owner Alisa Morris company the past 30 years, died on Thursday.
Morris, who shared her beloved cat's story with last month, said her pet — who may have been among the world's oldest living cats — had been experiencing kidney problems and had gotten very frail.
"I drove her to the vet wrapped in a towel," Morris told in an e-mail. "She purred when they prepped her and she went so peacefully."
In the cat's last days, Morris of Midlothian, Texas had switched Caterack to wet food because she was having trouble chewing. "I've had to go to the little package stuff that's wet," Morris had said earlier. "That's the only thing that she can get down."
The oldest cat ever recorded was a 38-year-old feline named Creme Puff, according to a rep from Guinness World Records. That cat died in 2005.
Morris had been readying herself to say goodbye to her daily companion of three decades, the one who helped her through a divorce and who was there to watch her two children grow up.
"I told Caterack that she and I would be together again and she is in my heart, always."


Active Member
It's just a cat story and I have the flu and needed to laugh. Irony is the 4 people next to me all go their flu shot a little over a week ago and came down with it at the same time as me.


Originally Posted by mantisman51
It's just a cat story and I have the flu and needed to laugh. Irony is the 4 people next to me all go their flu shot a little over a week ago and came down with it at the same time as me.

I heard that when you get the shot you get sick....
...I have never had the flu...or the flu shot...and I seriously doubt I ever will
Meowzer says take a nap....LOL...that's what he always does

Attachment 233487
here is Meowzer and Trixy in the back
Attachment 233489



Active Member
That is a cute kitty. I had a big male gray tabby. He acted more like a dog. Love to flop on us and roll on his back. He got out of the house and was introduced to the long spined cactus in a very personal and deadly way. He tried to squeeze between two of the cacti that were about 3" apart and got stuck. My son found him about 3 days after he disappeared. It wasn't pretty and he was departed. I still miss that funny cat dog.


LOL...This cat is more like a dog too....let's just say...HE RULES this house....I can actually wrestly with him, I mean toss him on the floor, and roll around with him...throw him up and catch him....he has never clawed me.....He knows tricks...he stands up when I tell him He is unlike any cat I have ever had...or been owned by :)


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
Caterack, among world’s oldest cats, dies at 30

Brought home as a kitten in 1979, cat had a long, happy life with her owner
Alisa Morris
When Alisa Morris adopted a kitten that she named Caterack in the summer of 1979, she never imagined the cat would still be staring back at her some 30 years later. Caterack died Thursday after a period of illness.
View related photos
Caterack, the kitty who kept owner Alisa Morris company the past 30 years, died on Thursday.
Morris, who shared her beloved cat's story with last month, said her pet — who may have been among the world's oldest living cats — had been experiencing kidney problems and had gotten very frail.
"I drove her to the vet wrapped in a towel," Morris told in an e-mail. "She purred when they prepped her and she went so peacefully."
In the cat's last days, Morris of Midlothian, Texas had switched Caterack to wet food because she was having trouble chewing. "I've had to go to the little package stuff that's wet," Morris had said earlier. "That's the only thing that she can get down."
The oldest cat ever recorded was a 38-year-old feline named Creme Puff, according to a rep from Guinness World Records. That cat died in 2005.
Morris had been readying herself to say goodbye to her daily companion of three decades, the one who helped her through a divorce and who was there to watch her two children grow up.
"I told Caterack that she and I would be together again and she is in my heart, always."
lol must have been all the concrete dust in the air...
seriously post a link so we can see the pictures.


Active Member
Very sad to see someone's companion of that many years go. The cat was 6 years older then myself

Though what an awesome racial pun, "Caterack."
After briefly examining the patient's eyes, the Asian optometrist told him that "his has a Caterack." The patient responded "No, I drive a Lincoln."


That's an awesome story! It did make me a lil sad...but man 30 years is a looong time!! LoL...Meowzer I love you'r pics of your cat...he's so cute all sprawled out.