Catilina Goby?


I want to buy a Catilina Goby, but how hardy are they they are so small and there is one for sale down on 38th ST. for $20 He's an inch long tops!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I have no first-hand experience with them, but I know they are a colder water fish and have heard that they do not prosper for long in the usual temp system. I would look into this.


I agree with Brooklyn Johnny....this is the reason I didn't get one. I think they are a beautiful little fish, but I keep my tank warmer than what I think they would be comfortable in. :(

mr . salty

Active Member
You would be smart to avoid this one.They do NOT live in warm water...Probably ALL the ones you saw will be dead in weeks.Two months tops.It's sad,but let someone else waste thier money.


i had catilina goby's, when i had my potbelly seahorses,they did fine together because they are both cold water fish. when the temp. got up to 90 and up here last summer i lost everything, i did not get the air on in time they can die fast, when the water gets to warm,i floated jugs of frozen ice water in the tank but, it did not help it did for a little while,but, it just got to warm to help,you really need a chiller to keep them the right way an they cost alot of money.


I've had mine for 2 months, I will let you know how long I continue. My tank stays at 76. I got him before I learned about the temp thingg.


I have had one for 5 months and is one of my tank has been at 77 degress.
he has grown considerably and is beautiful.he
sits about 2 inches from my carpet anemone and
then darts out to capure his food.hides at night
in his private crevice in the rocks..