Caught Crabs From Beach


New Member
I know they're not fish, but I didn't see a place for invertabraes... Well, I live in pensacola, FL and on my last beach trip about a week ago I caught 3 nice looking hermits... I got 2 that were a pretty decent size, and one thats a monster... They would be really nice additions to my tank, but I can't find what species they are anywhere on the internet and none of the pet stores I took the by can tell me... I was just wondering if anyone can help me out... I'm just wondering if they are fish/reef/other invertabrae safe... If needed, I can try to get a better picture of them... Thanks in advance...



I got a crab out of the guld of mexico to try it out, i added it to my QT tank. I took it out one day later, it was destructive, and was a very aggressive crab.


Also, alot of hermit crabs that arent found near reefs are burrowing crabs, unlike the blue legs and other hermits that are common in our tanks. Which stirred up a WHOLE lot of sand, and because their so large, if they do burrow, those might knock over rockwork and coral. ........
Just my opinoin.

nacl freak

Your title caugt my eye. Sorry about your case of crabs,but there is medication available.
Those are scary looking. Just curious, what size tank would you be adding them?


Active Member
might be decent cleaners for a LARGE aggressive tank, but no way would i put them in any of my tanks


New Member
You Should Probably Check Temps, Ph, And Salinity At Least Before Putting It In Your Tank. Are There Coral Reefs In Pensacola?