Caught my hitchhiker Mantis


Well the rock in a bucket of Distilled water did the trick fast....Heres a pic of the little guy...Dont know what I am going to do with him yet.


Active Member
That's awesome that you caught him so easily. I would probably try to sell him. You got one of the nicer looking ones and could probably get at least a couple bucks for him. I know some people are so pissed off with the damage that their mantis did that they flush it or kill it, but since you got a nice one, chances are someone (or your lfs) will give you some cash for him since he is nice. I know there are even a couple of people on this board who have a small tank set-up just for a mantis.


I will be the last one to brag about catching him easily since when i was putting the LR in he dropped out into the box and I said "hey cool a little lobster thing!!" and plopped him into the tank without knowing what he

nm reef

Active Member
Lots of people may be interested in keeping a mantis...I'd sure try to trade him in to a trusted LFS or maybe locate a fellow hobbyist that may want it. Yesterday at a favorite LFS I saw the same type for sell....$35...eventually somebody will be tempted to buy it.


Active Member

Originally posted by edaw31
I will be the last one to brag about catching him easily since when i was putting the LR in he dropped out into the box and I said "hey cool a little lobster thing!!" and plopped him into the tank without knowing what he

That's hilarious! :D


Active Member
Looks like a millapede that is eating a mantis and has the top half sticking out of its mouth!


Active Member
With the breif amount of information I've read on them, they seem to be fascinating animals. Someday I want to setup a tank specially for one...
I think it would be great to learn about them first hand....
and if you have any of those friends you realllly don't like.....
welllll, you could always tell them it's like catching crawfish, just reach in and pull it out

salt phish

looks like a rock shrimp....atleast that is wahat we call them when catch them in our nets down here on the NC coast


What is a Mantis? Are they poisonous, do they bite? Will they harm your fish or something, why not leave him in the tank? Just wandering.....:)


Active Member
Bill, they will kill fish and inverts. they pack a painful punch. I've even heard stories of them slicing off fingertips and breaking aquarium glass. dont know if the stories are true.


Active Member
they dont call 'em thumbsplitters for the hell of it...
actually, then can break glass if they hit it right, hence the suggestion to house them in an acrylic tank



Originally posted by NM reef
.....Yesterday at a favorite LFS I saw the same type for sell....$35...eventually somebody will be tempted to buy it.

35, wow, my lfs is always selling one for 60, congrats on the catch


I've had a spuratic "clicking" noise coming from my tank during the night. I sure hope it's not one of those.:nervous:


It's hard to tell. I don't have any fish yet. Just a cleaning crew, some emerald crabs, and three peppermint shrimp.
Is there a predator that will "take 'em out" if ones in there?


If I had a way of getting him to Arizona i would love to take him off your hands. I have been thinking of setting up 10g for one. I have not seen any for sale here.:nope: