Caught my hitchhiker Mantis


Do those mantis have crab like claws, red in color? Cause if they brittle star just digested one last night and is having pieces of the remainings everywhere in the tank......and none of my crabs are missing.


I bought a mantis shrimp trap today. Don't know if it will work or not, but I figured it was worth a shot. I don't want to take my tank apart again like I did to get the damsels out. I now have even "more" rock and a bunch of corals I didn't have before on top of it all. I will if I have to, but I'm going to try and avoid it.
I already anticipate catching my peppermint shrimp first (they're "extremely" nosey), so I decided to put them in my son's salt tank as I catch them so I don't have to go through that every day. I'll get new ones.
"If" I really have one (all indications are that I do), and then "if" I can catch it, I'd be happy to ship it to whoever would want it. All the person would have to do is pay for shipping / materials. I've never shipped anything "alive" as of today, so I may need some help in that arena.
I suppose to be fair Shels would get first right of refusal, and then Rubberduck.


Wow, how big can they get? I guess i better get the one out of my tank also, before he hurts anything........