Caulerpa + Chaetomorpha Question


Active Member
i have some caulerpa in my recently set up fuge. from my readings ive found that Chaetomorpha is probably the best and safest macro algae to get. i just ordered some online and it should be here in a few days. Should i remove my caulerpa? or should i just throw my Chaetomorpha in with it?


Active Member
I would keep it in there with it, but that's just my opinion. Maybe we can get some more opinions on this?...

nm reef

Active Member
Having more than one type of macro algae is I'd say just add the chaeto to you existing caulperas. I am slowly removing most of the caulperas from my refugium and converting to chaeto...after switching my refugium to a reverse lighting schedule the caulperas started going sexual and I'd prefer not to deal with that issue.Over the past few weeks I've removed a few mop buckets full of caulpera...and the chaeto is starting to take off real well.:happyfish


Active Member
well my reason for removing it was so that it wouldnt go sexual otherwise having the chao really doesnt mean much. so i plan on ripping it out. i uprooted some yesterday.


Been reading up on this myself and read a few days ago that Kip was recommending a certain amount of lighting for the Chaetomorpha, but can't quite remember where that post is. Also would like to know if anyone is using any additives to help keep the Chaetomorpha healthy.


my chaeto grows faster then my caulerpa and doesn't have the negetives effects of caulerpa....I keep everything on a 13 hour lighting which seems to be the best(compared to 12 and 14 which i have had before) I like to leave the caulerpa in the fuge though because it exports more nutrients than the chaeto and helps improve the fishes immune system


also something not to many ppl do is use aipastia to export nuitrients....I have a field of them in my fuge right where the overflow comes in...any ditrus that comes through is quickly swept up my the glass anenomes...............I find this very effective and it works great with my macro algae to scour the water of organic particals and compounds


Active Member
maybe im misunderstanding. if the caulerpa goes sexual, will it kill your tank? or just make a mess? like what exactly happens? and has it ever happened to someone or is it one of those what if's?


I definatly happens, I had some do it when I had my 55 setup, it gets white and basically dissolves right in the tank, and releases its load of nitrates, phosphates and everything that its absorbed from your tank, causing a quick spike in nutrients, something you don't want to happen.


How do you keep it from going sexual? And what is the best lighting for a fuge, and should you keep it on for 24 hours?

big slick

I have my fuge on 24 hour lighting and with all this discussion, I am now wondering if I should have it on the same lighting schedule as my tank. 13 hours on, then 11 off? The tips of my caulerpa are going white when they grow, and my LFS said that is a good thing......says they are growing when this that correct....?


people keep it on for 24 hours if it is only helps them stop from going a sextual....i think the best is oppisite lgihting,,,,having the fuge on at night...I can't do this cause it is in my room


Staff member
I had some Chaetomorpha that came in as a freebie with some spaghetti worms that I ordered. It has grown by leaps and bounds and is getting to the point that I don't know what I'm going to do with it.
Great nursey, BTW; my populations of snails and bristles has exploaded since adding this.
It is in display under VHOs, but I have actually burried it under rocks at times, and it still keeps comming.


Staff member
Beleive it or not, aips are supposed to be a good "natural" means of ich control. You wouldn't want them in the display however for this pupose. You could set up an aip tank I guess as stated above.