Caulerpa vs. tang


Active Member
Is it possible to have a caulerpa, growing in the main tank and tang (Zabrasoma or Hipo). In addition there will be Lawnmower Blenny, Astrea snails and Blue legged hermits???


Active Member
Sure its possilble, but if your tang takes a liking to your Caulerpa it wont be growing for long. Only one way to find out ;) HTH


A few days ago I transfered some lr from my refugium to my main tank and it had some grape caulerpa grown into it. I left it on thinking the purple tang and brown tang could have a treat. Well they nibbled a little and now don't touch it. So I guess the only way to find out is too try. From what I have read though, they usually will eat it.


Active Member
i have tried to get a caulerpa strand growing in mymain tank for about two years now, and as soon as i get it in there the three tangs mow it down. This was with the feather caulerpa. However they wont touch the grape caulerpa, and now its growing like weeds in the main tank. I have three tangs, purple, yellow, and hippo, and a lawnmower blenny, and tons of snails and the stuff keeps on growing!
good luck!