is Caulerpa good for my fishtank??? do the fish eat it?? what does it eat?
shista Member Nov 8, 2005 #1 is Caulerpa good for my fishtank??? do the fish eat it?? what does it eat?
jjlittle Member Nov 8, 2005 #2 Calerpa is very good it help remove nitrates / phosphates and you only need to have proper lighting its a plant some fish eat it tangs will eat it all if you have them.
Calerpa is very good it help remove nitrates / phosphates and you only need to have proper lighting its a plant some fish eat it tangs will eat it all if you have them.
jjlittle Member Nov 8, 2005 #4 They dont need any real special light the do very well with 6500k and higher bulbs its the spectrum that is important.
They dont need any real special light the do very well with 6500k and higher bulbs its the spectrum that is important.
shista Member Nov 8, 2005 #5 i have a 50/50 65 watt pc light and a powerglow 15 watts light. will this do??
snailheave Active Member Nov 8, 2005 #6 i hated my caulerpa i got rid mine, or attempted to they are still in my tank
snailheave Active Member Nov 8, 2005 #8 they take roots at places you don't want them to be and they are almost impossible to uproot. my tang doesn't touch any vegitables.
they take roots at places you don't want them to be and they are almost impossible to uproot. my tang doesn't touch any vegitables.
snailheave Active Member Nov 8, 2005 #10 no. but they don't come off rocks easily and if you leave just a tiny strand in your tank it's going to grow all over again.
no. but they don't come off rocks easily and if you leave just a tiny strand in your tank it's going to grow all over again.